Fear Incarnate Portion 28

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Goldstar dispassionately hooked an assemblage of tubes and wires to the squirming Horde Prime Clone, this was one victim she would willingly help The Doctor with. The images of her world burning still flashing in the back of her mind. Once the work was done she slotted on a pair on goggles and stood next to her still present daemonette companions. She watched with a grimace as the tubes pumped unseen energies into the clone, her jaw clenched and a small smile twitched at the corners of her mouth. The daemonettes sensed her pleasure and drew closer, Goldstar ignored them. When the screaming clone stopped its twitching and convulsions The Doctor approached, a hand on his pistol. "I wonder if it worked, it better have." The Doctor said softly, checking the clone for life. The man almost jumped as its eyes snapped open, Goldstar gasped as it rose from its restraints. "Greetings Doctor. Its been a while." the clone said, with a voice that made Goldstar shudder. "Lididyr. A pleasure, as always." The Doctor helped the possessed clone up, uncertain legs wobbled but soon gained strength. "What can a humble daemon do for you today?" The clone said, offering a deep bow that made its host's spine pop. The Doctor watched with abject interest, his hand fell away from his weapon and with head cocked he responded. "Can you try not to damage that body too much? You'll need it to infiltrate your target." The Doctor then handed the daemon a mass of flesh that glowed with gross power.   The daemon consumed it with relish, and soon straightened more. "Horde Prime? What a curious little enemy, what shall I do to him?" the daemon looked around for a second while The Doctor formulated a response. It's eyes flickered over Goldstar, and she felt a throb of pain that nearly made her faint. Luckily, the torture ended when the Doctor spoke again. "Simple, infiltrate and infect. Tie the power to Vandrok so he may do what he wishes." The Doctor handed the daemon a strangely pristine Horde uniform, the daemon took it and walked away. As it exited it threw a final statement back towards The Doctor. "You have my thanks for giving me freedom, but a suggestion: mark that one, and soon. Not all of my daemon brothers are as accepting as I am." The daemon gave Goldstar a little wink before it disappeared. The Doctor sighed and turned to his assembled staff, he clapped his hands together and laid out the day's work. Goldstar nodded stiffly, and went about her task. What more was she supposed to do?

Innoak awoke with a start, a loud rapping on his crate brought him from his suspended sleep. "Hey big guy, sleep well?" the smooth voice of Catra brought a flash of anger to Innoak's mind. "Well enough. What do you want?" Innoak stood now and walked the 2 paces to the wall. "Tsk Tsk, is that anyway to speak to me?" The mutant tutted, scolding Innoak and making him even less patient. "Yes. I assume this is about your little interaction with Adora. Quite the show if I may say so." This caught Catra off guard, she looked back at the box with surprise. "How did you know about that?" she asked cautiously, Innoak's response far from soothed her. "A Librarian with a lot of free time and little distractions can do quite a lot. I could do without the incessant mumblings of your witch though." Catra, straightened the shock of his scrying the previous day washing over. "If you saw that then you should know the Rebellion has no chance, Right?" Innoak laughed, his breath was sour from the acid spit welled there. "I never cared much for the Rebellion, a means to an end for me. Now, you never answered my question." Catra smirked, Innoak rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't tell you, that defeats the purpose." Now was Innoak's turn to smirk, he felt a cold malice stir. It was small, but it would do. "An Interrogation then? With Adora gone you want to end the Rebellion quickly, perhaps replace the defunct Shadoweaver. Go ahead then, I cannot stand in the way of your ambitions." Innoak would enjoy this, in a verbal duel of words there was no way she could win against him. "Ugh, can't let a girl have her moments huh? Fine, where is Bright Moon?" Innoak laughed again, letting far too much malice leak in than he wanted. "That is your question? Pathetic. You have the tools necessary to locate the place. Or have you forgotten about the smartest person here?" This took Catra aback, she paused and scoured her mind. "You can't mean Entrapta, sure she's smart but so...Hold on, why are you helping me?" Innoak laughed again, this was becoming far too ridiculous. "This is an interrogation is it not? Aren't I supposed to be answering your questions?" he let Catra stew for a minute before continuing. "Very well, I am going to assume you have little idea how to get to Bright Moon, I have very little idea too. So why don't you remove what shields the place?" Catra thought about it before giving a satisfactory answer. "You're suggesting I get rid of the Whispering Woods? How?" Innoak gave another short chuckle before sitting back down, Catra sensed his movement and the intent behind it and was infuriated. "Oh now you decide to stop talking, you know what? I don't need your help, I'll figure it out on my own." Catra left in a huff, and Innoak settled in for another nap. He schemed best while resting. 

Acrophysis stood before the Lieutenant. He had spent the last few weeks in his quarters, putting the astronomical genius Cawl implanted upon him to work. When he presented his final findings to the Lieutenant Acrophysis noticed the fellow Astartes was less than pleased. "Good work, but this planet is a needle amidst a haystack of enormous proportions. I'm starting to believe the Despondos System should be named the Despondos 'Sector' instead." Bunk handed the data slate off to the commodore who set to work attempting to find it in the star charts. Bunk turned away before noticing Acrophysis was still stood there. "Is there anything else Acrophysis?" The hound's brain worked overtime as it formulated words to speak. He hated that he was blessed with a genius navigator's mind but the speech capability of a toddler. "Yes. You. Sleep. Need to eat." Acrophysis offered what he had worked on for quite a while after being done with the data. Inside of a sealed plastek covering was a sandwich, well, seven sandwiches. Bunk looked at it in surprise, he took it as his mind tried to formulate the reasoning behind the gesture. Acrophysis no doubt smiled behind his helm and walked off, Bunk held the small box in his hand. He stared down at the smiling face the big man had drawn on it. The box was standard mess hall issue, Bunk was sure the cooks were glad Acrophysis wasn't there to kill them...or eat them. Bunk allowed himself a small smile before letting his hands drop to his side, he looked at the commodore who he found, to his surprise, was looking at him. "Permission to speak freely?" the stern woman asked. Bunk nodded. "That was cute sir." she said simply before turning her head to return to her work. Bunk shook his head slightly and turned to face the presence he had sensed there earlier. He was greeted by the smirking skull helm of Reiver sergeant Kranx. The Astartes just pointed to the grey box in Bunk's hand. "You gonna eat those?"     

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