Fear Incarnate Portion 14

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"WOAH! You are biiiiig! Can I measure you? Is that a miniature atomic reactor? What are these skulls?" The one named Entrapta skirted all around Innoak with visible excitement. Then she made the mistake of touching his blade. The psychic backlash from the sword made her yelp and dulled her excitement by a considerable degree, for just about a second. Her incessant questions began again, Innoak sighed and looked at the trio that had brought the ball of condensed hair and energy to him. "Eh-hehe, have fun Innoak..." Adora said as she led her friends away, leaving him to stand confused and irritated in the spacious halls of Bright Moon. Finally, he snapped a hand out and caught Entrapta by the shoulder, he leaned down and spoke in the softest tone he could muster. "There is something I wish to show you."

The volkite cells in the pistol illuminated Entrapta's squeaking face, her hair trembled and shook with excitement. Innoak let a smile ply his face, the tech adepts of mars would have fun with her. The questions began again and Innoak answered them in a dry monotone voice, a tape recorder was thrust into his face many times over the course of the interaction. "What do the cells do?" Entrapta asked as she disassembled the relic weapon, the corners of Innoak's eyes twitched as hands not borne of the Emperor touched his weapon. He pushed down his disdain and watched carefully as Entrapta arrayed the various components around her. In his mind he was running calculations, not mathematical but logical. This Entrapta had an understanding of technology that might even rival that of Cawl, she was Innoak's best chance of getting a message to the Imperium. If he hadn't been sent forward or backward through time. Or was in an entirely different dimension. Innoak softly laughed, his life had taken an interesting turn as of late.

Stavros felt fear only rarely, he didn't like not being an Astartes. Fear clouded judgement and he couldn't afford that when in a tense situation. Right now however his judgement was extremely clear as he stared in the face of a Soul Haunter. His aching back was straight as a las barrel and his face was as impassive as he could manage. "What threats have been seen within the sector?" The Space Marine asked, the man's skin was betraying his frustration and strain but his expression was crystal clear. "Occasional drukhari raids and a few forays from greenskins, we've been able to push those back. Besides, the system itself is off limits to us. Inquisition business." The Astartes nodded, he stared off into the distance for a second before speaking again. "Strange that the Inquisition would block off such a large territory. Do you have any idea why?" Stavros cringed at the Space Marine's words, he hated talking about the Inquisition. "Research purposes is what they told me, there is a Biologis compound on a nearby moon. I wouldn't mess with that my lord, the magos there ain't good company." The Astartes cocked an eyebrow at this, a gesture to go on. Stavros took a deep breath, "They like to take locals from the feudal/civilised worlds here. Apparently there is something of interest in them, the magos assigned there...she is...nevermind my lord, I take it you will need an escort in whatever business you need to conduct?" The Astartes smiled slightly, Stavros had never seen an Astartes as tired as this one. The man seemed to smile with his mouth but never his eyes. "Affirmed, I also request permission to remain on the bridge of your magnificent vessel." 

Stavros looked to the retinue the Astartes brought, 4 uniformly armed and armoured Marines and a skull-faced Marine that carried an aura of discomfort with him. "I don't see why not my lord, the Pyre of the Emperor is at your service." 

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