Fear Incarnate Portion 22

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Bunk looked down at the Magos, her small body was pockmarked by strange mechanical implants. Each one was made for a mysterious purpose completely unknown to Bunk, he had dealt with tech priests many times before and only briefly actually enjoyed the experience. "Magos, I will cut straight to the chase. I require your services and knowledge of the Inquisition's activities here. One of my brother's may be trapped inside of your cordon and I will require data to locate him." The Magos looked dumbly at him for a few minutes before responding in a harsh machine voice that threatened to outdo even Reiver Sergeant Kanx's. "I cannot." she said, the simple phrase infuriating Bunk. He kept his emotions in reign though, dealing with tech priests and especially those of the Inquisition demanded it. "Why not?" he asked, preparing to answer her next clipped statement. "My studies are too important to leave behind." Bunk smiled, he'd accurately predicted her response. "If that is the case then allow me to propose an offer. I take it you aren't allowed access into the system itself?" The Magos nodded and Bunk went on. "If that is so, then wouldn't it be even more beneficial if you were to temporarily move aboard my cruiser and study the system from within. Your security is almost guaranteed as well." The Magos paused and cocked her head, she possessed 8 spider like bionic eyes that covered all of her face save for her mouth, nose and chin. They whirred and spun slightly, and she responded again shortly after. "How would you gain permission to enter in the first place?" Bunk smiled again, and he gestured to the terminal opposite him. They had landed outside the research facility and Bunk had decided to go in alone, the station was empty save for the biologus and a contingent of dormant skitarii. "Contact whatever authority in the Inquisition commands you, and I will be able to convince them of the importance of our mission." The Magos paused again, and answered shortly after. "How?" she asked, and Bunk leaned down. "I am an Astartes, sometimes even the Inquisition cannot deny us."

After a long 45 minutes the Magos was able to contact the Inquisitor who had sent her here. After a brief second of vox interference Bunk found himself face to face with Inquisitor Covinath Terramar, who currently resided on the pleasure world of Nemoria IX. His face was heavily scarred and bright steel-grey eyes pierced the screen and met in a cold clash with Bunk's own blue eyes. "Explain your intrusion Astartes, I have more important matters to attend to." Bunk heard the chatter of weapons fire in the background, the Inquisitor didn't even flinch as a bullet whizzed by his head and slammed against the wall beside him. Bunk found himself respecting the man to a deep degree. "Very well Inquisitor, I will make this brief. One of my brothers was transported to the bowels of the Despondos system after he fell fighting a daemon prince. I wish to retrieve him and check him for contamination, it is my belief that he is pure but risks such as these cannot be excused." The Inquisitor seemed to consider this for a moment, and instead of responding immediately he drew his pistol and fired off a few shots into unseen assailants. "What chapter do you hail from Astartes?" The Inquisitor asked finally, and Bunk stiffened before responding. "I am Lieutenant Bunk of the Soul Haunters chapter." he said, Covinath nodded slowly and expended another bullet from his pistol. Bunk heard a distinct scream of inhuman origin as the Inquisitor smiled wickedly at his kill. "You are meaning to tell me that you wish to enter my system which is under a full cordon, and I presume you also wish to take my Magos along as well and most likely the whole of Battlefleet Despondos and the Scions stationed on those ships?" Bunk nodded, he had not been aware of the Scions and he could only guess Stavros thought Bunk already knew about the elite stormtroopers now at his command. "Well Lieutenant Bunk, you should be grateful I am in a good mood today. Because you have my permission to enter the system and search for the lost Soul Haunter. Now go away, I have a great many heretics to kill." With that the transmission cut out and Bunk stood from his seat at the cogitator screen. "I will pack my bags." the Magos said to his left, she began to mutter to herself in unintelligible binary as she went. Strangely though they didn't sound much like insults to Bunk. 

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