A New Threat

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Vandrok Helleater laughed uproariously as the mortal squirmed beneath his baleful stare, The deck of his hip laughed with him as well. Chaos Space Marines, mortal slaves, daemonic entities, and all the other assemblages of chaos giggled and chortled along with their master. Vandrok leaned forward in his chair, "Tell me your name again, wretch." The girl sobbed and mumbled it out. "LOUDER FILTH, I wish to hear the stupid name your pitiful parents burdened you with." The girl spoke softly but loud enough to satisfy Vandrok. "M-my name is Goldstar." At this Vandrok sneered, the girl had attempted to escape a system with horrendous results. Her original excuse was running from an alien empire coming to enslave her homeworld. Vandrok laughed again, there were no upstart xenos in the area. Only fresh worlds for the taking. The blessings from the gods of ruin coursed through him as Vandrok influenced his will on the withering mortal, defiling her mind and its contents. "Interesting, you tell the truth! What foolish xenos to believe themselves rulers of this territory." At this the gargantuan Chaos Lord stood, Terminator armor melded to his very body growling as he moved. The man swept his arms out and looked to all his loyal followers.

"It was us who were bestowed the honor of turning this little sector to the light of chaos! Will we disappoint the lords because of a smattering of xenos who believe themselves to be an 'empire'? No! They will cower before our glorious power, and fall to our most tempting perversions! For the Lords of Ruin and the Masters of Apocalypse!" An uproar erupted from the various fell minds of the crew, each one fervently chanting their devotion to the Chaos gods. Vandrok turned to the mortal who sat naked before him, pitifully sobbing as he bent down. Vandrok ran a massive armoured hand along her dark face. "Worry not child, we'll find a use for you yet." Then he looked to the Chaos Space marine beside him, an Apothecary covered in the runes and sigils of the Prince of Pleasure, Slaanesh. "Bring her to your maidens, let them have some fun before we turn her over to Carnollen." The twisted medic nodded and gestured forward two daemonettes from the folds of his surgeon apron. The pair cooed and sung sweet melodies of violation and indulgence as they dragged the crying mortal to her perverse fate.

Vandrok returned to his seat upon the command throne of his vessel, the Repulsive Grand Cruiser Undivided Ecstasy. All around the wicked vessel squatted an armada of hateful chaos ships, each one slaved to Vandrok's will. Engines powered up and geller fields reflecting screaming faces activated as the dread flotilla entered the warp, seeking the foolish xenos who decided they ruled this place. Vandrok smiled a twisted grin, he was more powerful than his idiotic mentor ever could have guessed. So with a smile bisecting his face Vandrok watched as the shutters closed on his deck, the warlord's thoughts on the pathetic old man. 

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