Fear Incarnate

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Daemons. They spilled from the rent in reality like a hungry horde of insects, swarming and devouring. Before them stood the grimly ornamented warriors of the Soul Haunters, skulls and trophies rattled as the indomitable warriors marched to war. Bolts shredded immaterial flesh and blades pierced incorporeal bodies, in the middle of it all was Innoak. His force sword flashed out, decapitating and eviscerating. He lanced bolts of dark lightning, pulling the daemons apart with his mind. He watched as the tatters of their flesh softly fell to the ground, like feathers. All around him his brothers fought in eerie silence, the only sound emanating from them the bark and chatter of weaponry. The Marines were even trained not to make a sound when injured, taking their enemies down with spiteful silence. But for every daemon the stoic warriors felled another ten sprung up in its place. Soon the warriors found themselves pushed back, every man marching back in perfect lock step. Firing their weapons as they slowly retreated. The tide of daemons forced their way forward, sensing the looming defeat of their hated foe. Innoak did not allow himself to think of what that would mean, so he dedicated his powers to buffing his brothers. Allowing the powers of the Obscuration Discipline to give his brothers unnatural speed and sight. Innoak peered past the veil of howling and baying filth to spot a massive figure, A daemon prince. The beast orchestrated the movements of its troop, guiding its immortal brethren to crush the Soul Haunters. Innoak drew in a deep sigh, if it would be his last act in service to the Emperor...He would kill the daemon.

Innoak awoke, he lie in a strange place. The sky above him was a stark and beautiful blue, unlike the swirling purple maelstrom he fought in before. The Librarian sat up, pain racketeering through him. He looked down at his hands, in one he held a large horn and the other his force sword. Then he noticed it, the incessant scratching and whispers of the daemons that constantly pervaded a psykers brain were...gone. He had bore the presence of the wretched creatures for so long that it felt strange to notice their sudden absence. Was he dead? Perhaps. He must find out. So Innoak stood, the chains and skulls that bedecked him rattling and clacking as they shifted. A picturesque view spread out in front of him, a peaceful meadow with flowers and other such things. The beauty of nature can be false however, and the Librarian did not allow himself to be drawn into a false sense of security. Instead he drew his pistol, an ancient volkite pattern weapon, a gift from his previous mentor. Innoak began to walk, an unsteady gait at first but soon the pain dissipated and his walk grew to a steady stride. 

Innoak continued, relaxing only slightly as he spotted what appeared like hive spires in the distance. To his dismay however he saw a large castle instead, one of sorcerous craft. Magic steeped the forest that surrounded him and Innoak found himself subconsciously routing psychic power to his blade, a shimmering sheet of azure light enveloping the steel as he did so. Suddenly his transhuman senses picked up movement in the trees behind him, Innoak waited for only a second for the figure to come in focus of his senses before turning...and promptly firing a beam of volkite energy into it. The figure dodged it, drawing an archaic bow from its back and lossing an arrow into Innoak's chest. A simple thought from the Space Marine sent the arrow flying into a tree. Several more flew at him and Innoak deflected them all, finally he heard a voice from a tree. "Wow, you got some kind of energy field or something?" The voice was juvenile and jovial, almost as if it thought facing Innoak was a game. Innoak found himself smiling at the horror he would bring to the poor things mind. Innoak reached out towards the voice with his mind, he found the outline of it's soul crouched behind a tree. Innoak took a tight grip on the voice, breaching its mind with tendrils of his power. "Suffer." was all he said to the figure as he found its most deepest fear, and exploited it. 

Bow sat in a tree, the skull knight thing below him. Every debilitating attack he'd tried to make against it thwarted by the big boy's power field. Bow was about to renew his attack proper when a feeling like ice cold water wrapped itself around his brain, he saw images of sneering monsters and the laughter of thirsting horrible gods. He saw pain and suffering on a scale unimaginable, he saw his world burning to the ground. His friend's dead cold eyes staring into his trapped soul, he saw Glimmer hanging from hooks and her skull added to a collection of millions. Bow clutched his head, attempting to rip the images out. He ended up losing balance and falling, the pain inconsequential of that he felt in his very aching soul. He had fallen on his side, and he curled up into the fetal position eyes closed and crying. Finally the pain receded, and bow felt as though a piece of him was missing. Ripped out by the uncaring hand of a brutal surgeon. 

Innoak stared at the pitiful excuse for a warrior. He had ripped every shred of information from the mind of this child, Innoak learned about the history of this world. He learned of the First ones and the arrival of the horde, he plucked the life of this child from his mind, pouring over the supple information there with vigorous hunger. Finally, after what felt like several minutes but were truly only a handful of seconds. Innoak had learned what made up this warp spawned world he now inhabited. Innoak sunk to his knees and spoke to the child, Bow, with his mind. "Your leader, now."             

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