Senpai x reader

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(Requested by a tumblr user)

You jumped a bit in surprise as you heard a loud boom of thunder outside, causing you to look out the window and seeing that there were dark gray clouds forming outside. Well, there goes your plans to spend time with Senpai. You were brought from your thoughts by a knock at the door. Curious, you went over to the door and opened it, only to reveal Senpai standing there on the other side of the door.

"Ah, Y/n! There you are, love. I got here as quickly as I could!" As soon as the words left his mouth, another loud boom of thunder was heard and the rain started coming down. You quickly moved out of the way and let Senpai into the house, closing the door once he was inside.

"And just in time, too." You pointed out, looking back at him.

"Well, there go our plans for today, but that's alright! That's why I'm here! We can just spend time here, together!"

"Sounds like a plan!"

"Hmm.. Now the question is, what should we do first?"

"I've got an idea!" Before he could say anything, you grabbed his hand and dragged him to the kitchen, grabbing a few things out of the cabinets. Senpai watched you with a confused look on his face, but waited for you to get everything together. Once you had gathered all the ingredients you needed, you turned to face the strawberry blonde male.

"I figured we could bake some cookies and watch a movie? Since the rain isn't too bad at the moment."

"Sure, I don't see why not?"

"Great! Let's get to it, then!" You smiled faintly and the two of you got to work, separating the ingredients into two separate bowls, one for the liquid ingredients, and one for everything else.

~Small timeskip brought to you by cookies~

"Alright, and now to set a timer, and start cleaning up." You said, closing the oven door once the cookies were inside.

"Alright, setting the timer now, love." Senpai told you and placed the timer down once it was set. You took the empty containers and silverware that were no longer needed and set them in the sink, putting soap and water in them to let them soak for later cleaning. It didn't take very long for you both to clean up, even if you both were horsing around a bit thanks to Senpai who thought it would be a great idea to take flour that was leftover/still on the counter and basically just throw it in your face.

To which you had to retaliate, which had lasted a good few minutes of you going back and forth. After you both realized how much more of a mess you were making, you stopped and laughed a bit before you got back to cleaning up.

"There we are, all done." You heard Senpai say, to which you nodded in response and looked over at him. You went to say something, but flinched a bit as your timer had gone off. You went over to the oven and opened the door, grabbing a pair of oven mitts, you grabbed the tray of cookies and set them on top of the oven for them to cool off. Senpai had stopped the timer and grabbed a plate to set the cookies on once they had cooled.

"Hey, Senpai?"


"Thanks for stopping by and spending time with me." Senpai smiled at your words and pulled you into a hug.

"It's not a problem, Y/n. I love spending time with you, and I love you."

"I love you too, you goof." You kissed his cheek and let him go from the hug and brought the cookies over from the tray to the plate, then grabbed the plate and headed back to the living room with Senpai following behind you. You set the plate down on the coffee table and sat down on the couch as you grabbed the remote from the table beside you. Senpai sat down beside you, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you closer to him.

"Is (fav. movie) alright?"

"Sure, love. I don't mind."

"Sweet." You smiled faintly as you brought up (fav. movie), hitting play once it came up, then setting the remote down as you leaned against Senpai, who looked down at you and kissed your forehead as you both looked back at the tv screen.

You both just ended up sitting around and watched movies for the rest of the day and into the evening, forgetting all about the pouring rain outside.

Friday Night Funkin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now