But I Still Care.

Start from the beginning

"I can help who ever is next." I heard a voice and rushed towards that checkout lane and placed the pads and chocolate on the counter.

"Are you going to buy the magazine also?" She asked as she saw I clutched onto the magazine.

"Um, sure." I muttered and placed the magazine onto the counter also. After I purchased everything I went to a near by park and sat down on a bench and clutched the magazine in my hand, making crinkles in the paper, fearing the words that lie inside.

I turned the magazine to read the title.

'Zayn Malik has a new girl by his side again!'

I eyed the paper suspiciously and opened the Magazine to read more on the article.

'Zayn Malik from One Direction spotted with his pervious Ex Perrie Edwards from Little Mix. It seemed as though the couple had a split a few months ago when One Direction was on tour for their Up All Night album in the U.S. but as we can see in the following pictures it seems the couple have reconciled.'

I saw pictures of Zayn hugging her in the most caring way, another of him holding her hand smiling, and the final picture caught my breath mid way as I saw him kissing her a, passionate look on his face. I felt tears at the brim of my eyes but kept reading on.

'What leaves us wondering is the Girl he was seen with during those few months without Perrie. Seems like the Bradford Bad Boy must be breaking hearts from left to right!'

I saw pictures of Zayn and I. I couldn't contain my suppressed tears anymore and started to cry silent tears but kept reading on.

'We hope the best for the handsome Zayn Malik and the beautiful Perrie Edwards.'

I read the date 'July 25' an realize that was the date Zayn didn't come to our date and stood me up. I cried even more upon knowing that he would do such a thing to me, ditching me for his Ex and acting like nothing happened. I sat on the bench for what seemed forever and felt someone stand in front of me, I looked with my tear stricken face up to see a toddler that was about 4 years old dark brown hair, and striking hazel eyes looking at me concerned.

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned and I smiled a sad smile at him.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking." I said feeling a bit better that a complete stranger was at least some what concerned with me.

"Want to tell me? My mommy always says that when your sad, you should talk about your feelings and you won't feel sad anymore." He said sitting beside me on the bench. I chuckled at him and looked down to see him with a serious face.

"It's grown up things, you wouldn't understand." I stated with a small smile at him, wiping my tears.

"Please? I won't tell anyone, I can keep a promise! I pinky swear!" He begged, sticking his pinky out in my face also earning another smile and giggle from me. I wrapped my pinky around his, wrapping up our deal and decided what would it hurt to tell such a young boy my story.

"Okay, well my boyfriend is with someone else, he cheated on me.He was really special to me. I never thought that it would ever happen with him. I thought he was different." I said taking a stuttering breath, a lump forming in my throat, threading to cry out pain. I turned to see that he was very concentrated thinking about what I just said.

"Did he know he was special to you?" He asked looking at me now.

"Yes, I'm quiet sure." I said looking at him also.

"Were you special to him?"

"I'm pretty sure, why?"

"Then he shouldn't have cheated on you." He said, staring at me with a matter of fact voice.

"I guess your right." I sighed looking a the ground now, seeing how simple a four year old found the situation, but I felt that there was more to that.

"Hey, don't be hard on yourself, my mommy always told me never to be so mean to myself, be happy, he cared for you." He smiled and patted my shoulder in reassurance.

"Your mommy is a very nice lady then for telling you these things."

"Yes she is, she's really nice, she never tells me these things but I listened to her conversations with my aunts." He smiled up at me, his hazel eyes gleaming in the light of the sun.

"Where is your mom anyways little buddy?" I said and he looked down.

"She's in the hospital right now. I came to the park after I went to go see her," He said focusing on a rock a stone look on his face.

"They said she's okay though, she was asleep but I don't mind. She just needs the doctors to fix her."

"What's wrong with her?" I asked somewhat surprised, but not as much after all, this park was by a hospital.

"She got into a car accident, they'll fix her though, I know it," he repeated confidently. "Mommy always said, just pray and believe, and God will answer your prayers."

"I'm sure she will be just fine," I answered the boy reassuringly. "With time, she'll be back to normal."

"I know she will," He looked into the Over cast of clouds and suddenly Whipped his head back to me. "I'm so sorry, I never even asked you your name! What's your name miss?"

"Elizabeth." I answered extending my arm to see his small hand wrap around mine, not fully of course.

"Tommy." He said and smiled a genuine smile.

"Tommy! Where are you Tommy?" I heard a voice in the distance call frantically.

"I think you should go Tommy, they sound like their looking for you." I said and knelt down to give him a goodbye hug.

"Yeah, that's my aunt, it was nice meeting you Elizabeth!" He said and ran in the direction the voice was coming from, a deep eerie silence engulfing the crisp, Loundon air. 'For a four year old, he's really wise.' I thought to myself and decided I would take into consideration what he said, maybe Zayn never cared in the first place to begin with. 'He never wanted me to begin with.' I thought to myself. 'He broke most of his promises. He never cared.' I thought as I looked bitterly down to my ring finger that had his promise ring. I pulled the ring off and threw it angrily mixed with sadness into a sand pit, only to walk back to the sand pit, looking frantically for it from where I threw. 'I still care though.' I thought as I found the ring, closing my palm engulfing the ring, holding it tight to my chest, kneeling in the grating sand. 'Yes, I still do care.' I thought sadly.

A/N: AHH! First update of the year! I've been waiting to write this for like, ever. Finally, I have it down to where it's a pretty good lengthy and decent chapter! As always I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I will try to update more frequent but life's hectic right now, I'll try my best though! I got the hospital idea when I was with one of my best friend in the emergency room, reasons are personal, and wrote that part in the waiting room, mind you it was five hours plus some after I left at 10 PM, but we raced around in wheelchairs to pass time. But that's a whole other story, lol. Promise it will be more frequent though because we're at a part I've been DYING to write c;< I like to write sad parts, it comes naturally, not in a weird way though >.<. Until next update loves! xx

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