New Synopsis

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Jessiccha "Siccha" Wordsworth Carter and Saul Carter got stuck in a marriage of "convenience" when Jessiccha's grandfather discovers of her terrible predicament-- Jessiccha's inability to put down her walls.

Although the two were truly in love, the "arrangement" and Saul's affection made Jessiccha increase the distance between them, and while Saul begins to wonder what he's doing wrong, Jessiccha wonders whether Saul truly loves her or just put up with her for the sake of it.

Jessiccha continues to be an active, caring wife, puzzling Saul about how she truly felt. As Jessiccha works and works, Saul finds ways to make her genuinely happy. The two must learn not only to trust each other, but also to trust God wholeheartedly and love Him first and foremost.

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