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"Alex," a voice calls out. "Alex!"


A flash of light shines and all of a sudden Apollo shimmers into view.

"Hello, son."

"What are you doing here?"

"I don't have long, but you must listen to me. Your daughter must leave and attend a boarding school in Nevada, USA. It is called the Wilderness School. Do whatever you must, but she has to go. I must take my leave now. Remember what I said."

"Wait! Dad-"

Suddenly, a bright light fills the room again and Apollo disappears out of sight. Alex wakes up with one thing on his mind. He must see his mother.


Alex's mother was a very kind and fair ruler. You see, Alex's full name is actually Prince Alexander Philip Reagan. His mother being Queen Sophia Ellis Reagan. They rule over Great Britain. Alex barges into his mother's room, startling the poor woman.


Alex flinches at the use of his full name.


"I'm sorry mother, but I have very urgent news from my father."

"A-Apollo visited you?"

"Yes mother, and he says we must take Lyra to a boarding school in the United States of America."

"I feared when this day would arrive. Wait- but why is Apollo requesting that she goes to this boarding school, instead of Camp Jupiter.

"That, I do not know."


Sighing, 15-year-old, Lyra Sophia Reagan stood in front of the Wilderness Boarding School. The conversation from a few days ago coming to mind.

Lyra, dear.

Yes, Grandmother?

Your father and I have been talking, and we think you need to see the world.


That is why we are going to be sending you to a boarding school in the United States of America. We want you to experience being a regular girl for a little while, and make some friends your age.

Her grandmother seemed a little off while saying that, but Lyra didn't dwell on the matter too much. Walking into the school, she felt a little self-conscious with all the staring. Stop it. Pull yourself together. You've dealt with worse crowds. After asking someone for help, she quickly found the principal's office. She knocked on the door before she heard a muffled, "Come in." Walking in, she sees what appears to be the principal and a very pretty brunette girl.

"Ah, you must be Miss Lyra Reagan. My name is Mr. Collins, the principal of this school. This here is Piper. She will be showing you around."

Lyra and the pretty brunette—Piper—walk out of the office. After a semi-boring tour of the school, they stopped in what seems to be the courtyard. Lyra follows Piper's line of view, seeing two boys, that looked to be about her age, talking. Piper led her over to them, before quickly introducing each other.

"Leo, Jason, this is Lyra. She's new here."

Lyra looked at the brunette boy with curly hair first, then looked at the blonde. When she looked into his sky blue eyes, she felt like she was home.

Woah. Wait a minute. What-

Snapping out of it, she smiled and said, "Hi, I'm Lyra."


A/N: Hi! Welcome to my new book, The Princess. Hope you are liking it so far! I'm trying to do something new. Any feedback is appreciated. Please don't forget to vote and comment. Anyway, hope you are having a great day/night!
- Billie

622 words


Edited: I decided to change the made up country and just have Lyra and her family British. It's easier that way instead of trying to find a way to somehow fit "Averna" into the story.


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