Lumity: Plans and Promises

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Once I got ready, I rushed downstairs to eat breakfast, which was thankfully ready. Father came down, adjusting his tie as he elegantly walked down the stairs. He came over, putting his heavy hand on my shoulder, "Amity dear, are you on your way?" He asked me. I nodded, "Father?" "Yes dear?" I hesitated, "May I bring Luz over later? So you two can..If Titan allows, if you two can meet?" He also hesitated. "I'll message you when your mother is out of the house, I can meet her then." A smile spread on my lips as I heard those words. I pat my thighs as I got excited, Luz said these were called stims, and that she had them too. My mother calls them signs of weakness, I kinda like stims. It's a funny feeling, like you smile, but it doesn't express how happy you feel! So you find another way, and my way, is to pat the closet thing to me. Father pulled his hand back, smiling softly, "Go on then dear, have fun." I bowed my head, taking my egg on toast, and quickly leaving, oh how excited I am! 


 Once I got to school, first thing to do, find Luz. When I saw her poofy hair I immediately rushed to her, jumping in to her arms. "Woah! Amity!" Luz laughed, pulling me up in to a better hug. "Morning! You seem happier than usual today." She cupped my cheek, smiling down at me.

"Are you free later?" I asked as I leaned in to her palm. Luz thought about it. 

"I'm sure I can skip a few hours of work. What do you need from your prince in shining armour?" Luz asked proudly. 

 "I need you, to meet my dad!" She seemed flabbergasted at those words. 


"I need you, Luz Noceda the Human, to meet my Father, Alador Blight." I explained. 

 "I'm sorry, did someone hit your head? Are you even my Amity?" Luz knocked lightly on my head, checking my eyes.

I felt my face heat up as she asked if I was even her Amity. My ears went down as the blush darkened, then I covered my face. Oh Titan, this was embarissing. Luz took my hand, opening it up, and kissed my palm. Screw meeting my dad, I think I'll be dead before that happens! 

"L-Luz!" I blurt out. 

 "So you are my Amity. You really want me to meet your dad?" Luz questioned. I nod slowly, calming down to stop the blush. 

"We talked last night..And I think you should meet him." Luz nods. 

"If you want me to, I'll do it for you Amity." Okay. I've died. Luz Noceda the Human, you've killed me. I stagger back, the blush returning, Luz quickly scooping me up. "Too much?" She nervously asked. 

 "Aofnsocweockar.." I blurt out absolute nonsense. I'm such an idiot...

Hello! I've been gone for a while again, I'm very sorry, but @ChrysDoesGay sent me this chapter at the beginning of the month and I just now saw it, so here it is. I hope that now that the new season is coming out we can wrap this up because I have more inspiration. Speaking of the new season, I need to fangirl for a second. Lilith and Hooty's friendship is so cute! And the second episode was like, literally amazing. I now have more to go off of for Alador and Odalia's characters, so that will get more accurate. Also, Luz is catching feelings. Anyways, stay safe!

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