The Conversation

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3rd Person

After dinner, Amity went upstairs to her room, and pulled out her scroll. She began looking through Penstagram, when she heard yelling from down the stairs. She stood up, and quietly shuffled her way out of her room, so she could hear what was going on.

"Why can't we go with them!" Em's voice, she realized.

"For one thing, they are of a lower class than us." Mother's voice. "And for another thing, they are the same genders as you two!" Amity felt her stomach twist in rage. They were talking about Ed and Em's dates to the dance. Who cared if they didn't have as much money or recognition? And who even was bothered by two witches of the same gender being together? Despite her anger, she stayed silent.

"So what? No one cares anymore!" Ed's voice. "We're old enough to do what we want." She heard her father sigh.

"I'm going to let you handle this, Odalia." Her mother grumbled, and then she heard her father moving towards the stairs. Suddenly, she froze. He arrived at the top before she could retreat to her room, and now she was caught red handed. "Amity, what are you doing out here?" He asked, although he put little effort in making it sound accusatory.

"I-um-well I-the thing is..." She sighed. "I was eavesdropping on your conversation. I'm sorry." She said, bowing her head slightly. She felt a finger be tucked under her chin, and she looked up to meet her father's eyeline. He looked sad.

"Come talk with me Amity." She nodded, and followed him into her parents' room. They sat down on the bed. "How much did you hear?" He asked.

"I...I heard from when Emira started yelling to when you came up the stairs." He nodded.

"So, you know that Emira and Edric are going to the dance with witches of the same gender." She nodded. "And what do you think about that?" She thought for a moment, careful to pick her words wisely.

"I honestly think that they should be allowed to. If they really like them, who cares if they're the same gender." Her father thought about this for a moment, and then nodded.

"I wish that your mother could understand that." He said quietly. Amity whipped her head to look over at him. "I want my children to be happy." She looked down again, and nodded. He glanced over at her. "Why is this important to you?" He asked.

"I-" She tried to think of a lie, and then sighed, knowing she should tell the truth. "I'm going with a girl myself." She said.

"That's fine." Her father responded. She looked up.

"But father, you don't understand. She's a human." Her father's eyebrows lifted.

"You mean that Luz girl?" He asked. She nodded. "That's okay too. But, Amity" She looked into his eyes. "You will have to tell your mother. You know that, right?" She lowered her head, and nodded. "But for now, go get some sleep." She smiled weakly, and then stood up, making her way out of the room, and started getting ready.

That night, she barely slept. Her father was okay with it, but she knew how her mother would feel. She didn't think she could bear to have Luz taken away from her.

Hey guys...long time no see... I'm very sorry that this took so long to come out. We are almost done with this book, so we're shooting for three to five more chapters. Depending on how my co-author is feeling, I may or may not be writing those all myself. But, yeah, I'm not dead. Anyways, I will hopefully not take like three or four months to get the next chapter out. In fact, I'm hoping to get it out in the next two weeks, but chances are, that might not happen. Anyways, thank you for reading and I'm so sorry for the wait. Stay safe!

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