Chapter 9: Family Reunion

Start from the beginning


"He poisoned her." I said dryly.

"What?" she screeched. I winced as her voice raised in pitch.

"I didn't say I found him on time." I quipped.

       I could practically hear my sister's blood pressure rising, "You little--" she let out a strangled sigh knowing that it was also her fault that he was around Amara for so long.

"Do you know who sent him?" she asked.

"I've been trying to get information out of him for hours, but he swears he doesn't know anything," I picked at my nails with a bored expression, "Should I kill him?"

There was silence over the line before my sister spoke again, "No, no. I'll be on my way. When I get there I'll probe him."

I nodded and looked up at the birds in the sky, "Don't take too long picking out an outfit. We're on borrowed time."

         With a curse, Melinoe hung up and I sighed, rubbing the burn out of my eyes. How long had it been since I got a full night of sleep?

        My beauty rest was at stake because of a girl who should have been dead 22 years ago. Because of her willingness to live, and my father unhealthy obsession with overturning Olympus, I was stuck making sure that outside forces didn't kill her before she came into her powers.

Unfortunately for me, just about ever monster known to man was trying to get to her.

"Damn this girl and her bad luck," I muttered, climbing over the railing and jumping down from the fourth floor.

         When my feet hit the ground, I tucked and rolled into a standing position before squinting up at the birds circling in the sky.

           Sighing, I flicked my wrist and called upon The Shroud. As the familiar darkness enveloped me, I  smiled, reveling in the screams of the dead souls moving beyond the large black-iron gate in front of me.

          When I took one step forward, the gate opened with a loud clang, and I moved past it eyeing the gigantic black dog that rested just a few feet beyond it's entrance.

           All three of it's heads rested on it's paws, and I debated yelling just to startle it awake.

            Walking along the black, cobblestone pathway, I made my way towards the dog who flicked it's ears at the sound of my footsteps.

            It raised one of it's heads and immediately shot up when it saw me standing in front of it, grinning wildly.

"Cerb," I raised my brow teasingly, "Are you sleeping on the job?"

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