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As I stood in front of the pristine, all-white sink, its smooth surface gleaming under the soft glow of the overhead lights, I couldn't help but notice the elegant silver mirror that hung above it. The mirror, with its delicate frame and polished glass, reflected my image from head to shoulder, capturing every detail with remarkable clarity.

However, what I saw in that reflection was far from ordinary. My face, once familiar and unblemished, was now marred by the presence of blood. It trickled down my forehead, staining my skin and leaving a trail of crimson in its wake. As my eyes scanned further, I couldn't help but notice the fresh cuts that adorned every inch of my arms and legs. They were like painful reminders etched upon my flesh, each one telling a story of its own.

In that moment, as I gazed upon my own reflection, I felt a sense of disconnect. The person staring back at me seemed foreign, as if someone else had taken residence within my own body. It was a disconcerting realization, one that left me questioning my own identity.

Just as I was grappling with this bewildering revelation, I found myself suddenly transported to a slightly dimmed alleyway. The shadows danced around me, casting eerie shapes upon the worn cobblestones. It was in this gloomy setting that I noticed my own shadow, elongated and distorted, approaching me with an air of mystery.

Curiosity mingled with trepidation as I found myself uttering the question that lingered in my mind, "Who are you?"

To my astonishment, the shadow responded, its voice carrying an otherworldly tone, "I am the one you have been avoiding since the first time your nightmare occurred. I am the real you."

In that moment, a flood of emotions washed over me. Fear, confusion, and a sense of urgency intertwined within my being. It was as if the shadow had unlocked a hidden part of myself, a part that I had long suppressed and denied. And now, face to face with this enigmatic presence, I knew that I had to confront the truth that lay within.

As I jolted awake, my heart pounding in my chest, I quickly took deep breaths to calm myself. I paused for a moment, trying to gather my thoughts and make sense of what had just happened.

In that instant, my mind was flooded with memories of a nightmare I had experienced a year ago. It was a terrifying ordeal that had caused me to swear off horror movies altogether. I vividly remembered the shadowy figure that had appeared in my dream, warning me of a gruesome fate that awaited my closest friends and family. At the time, I had believed that by avoiding horror movies, I could prevent the nightmare from ever haunting me again. And for a while, it seemed to work. But now, here I was, faced with the same terrifying dream once more. I couldn't help but wonder why it had resurfaced.

Feeling a sense of unease, I knew I needed to talk to someone about this. My mind immediately turned to my dear friend Karma, who had been my confidante since our childhood days in our hometown. With her comforting presence and wise words, she always knew how to navigate through difficult situations like this.

Without hesitation, I reached for my phone and dialed Karma's number. As soon as she answered, I poured out my fears and anxieties, recounting the nightmare in great detail. Karma listened attentively, her voice filled with warmth and understanding. She assured me that nightmares, although unsettling, were just figments of our imagination and would eventually fade away. Her words brought me a sense of relief, and I couldn't help but smile as she shared the joyous news of her recent addition to the family – a beautiful baby boy.

Taking comfort in Karma's words, I began to believe that the nightmare couldn't truly harm me. I decided to follow her advice and start ignoring the haunting images that plagued my dreams. With a renewed sense of hope, I closed my eyes, determined to face the night with courage and resilience.

Inside OutOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora