Chapter 11: Garden Party

Start from the beginning

"Black or white?" Gabriel asked.

"Black, please."

He raised an eyebrow, surprised by her answer, but swung the board around to give her the colour she'd chosen. Moving one of his pawns, he nodded towards her and she followed suit, doing the same.

"Have you heard anything about the investigation?" she asked as they continued playing.

After a quick glance to make sure no one was close enough to listen in, he nodded. "Yes, but let's not speak here. We need to be sure no one would walk in on us. It's not ideal, but would you come to my room tonight once people have gone to bed? No one would disturb us there."

"Inviting me to your chambers?" She smirked. "Oh, Gabriel! I don't know if—"

He grunted. "It's not like that."

She laughed at his disgruntled look. "I know. I'm only teasing. Of course. Just tell me where to find it so I don't walk into the wrong room."

"You have to make sure no one sees you."

"I'm not a complete idiot." She rolled her eyes as she moved her rook across the board to knock out one of his pawns.

A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "I never suggested you were. But this is a weekend party, and it's quite possible you won't be the only person walking through the hallways at night."

"Scandalous!" She grinned. "Then again, surely they'd want to keep it quiet as much as I."

"Possibly, but it's better not to take the chance." He moved his bishop into position. "Check."

She stared down at the game. That was quick. Moving her king out of harm's way, she inspected the board, realising that he had her in a pretty tight spot that she might not make it out of. He knew it too as he watched her with a smile, his green eyes glittering in the light of the lanterns.

As he leaned over to move his queen to put her king into check position again, she blurted out, "I find you very attractive."

He jerked back, his hand knocking over several pieces on the board as he straightened, staring at her. "I beg your pardon?"

"I find you very attractive," she repeated.

"You shouldn't say such things," he muttered, his gaze avoiding hers as he tried to put the pieces back where they'd been.

"Why not?" She shrugged. "Isn't it best to be honest?"

Giving up on finding the original positions, he sighed and pushed the chess set to the side. "I think sometimes it's better to keep your thoughts to yourself. Thoughts like this one."

She grinned, quite enjoying him squirming in his seat. "Why? What's wrong with honesty? Wouldn't you say it's always best to be honest?"

"Sometimes it's better to conceal the truth." He met her gaze, his face unreadable. "If the truth would be hurtful, giving no benefit. Or if it makes them uncomfortable."

"Do I make you uncomfortable?" she asked, putting her elbows on the table and leaning her face in her hands. Oh, this was fun.

A muscle twitched in his jaw as he slowly shook his head. "No. That's not quite the word I'd use."

She fluttered her lashes in a way she hoped was coquettish. "What word would you use?"

"Nick," he said quietly, and she wasn't sure if it was a plea or a warning. Her teasing grin faded as their gazes locked. The look in his dark and tempting, bringing back memories of the night she'd met him at the agency. He'd worn a similar expression then.

"Nick!" She startled as someone called her name, and she turned away from Gabriel to see Dash and Olivia walking towards her.

"We're going for a stroll," Olivia said, beaming. "Would you like to join us?"

"It's a bit dark for a stroll." She didn't want to leave Gabriel, but he stood and bowed to her companions before disappearing. Typical. She sighed. "Fine. Let's grab some lights."

Watching Gabriel's retreating form, she bit her lower lip. He was difficult to read. She thought he wanted to kiss her as much as she wanted him to. But then why did he constantly pull away?



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