Letting Go (BakuTodo)

Start from the beginning

The boy waited outside the blonde's room as he grabbed the handle with his hands shaking. He needed to see the other but he was scared to see his condition.

But this wasn't the time to be scared his boyfriend needed him and he needed him too.
He opened the door and walked over to the blonde's bed.

He saw the other's pale face that seemed so lifeless. He saw countless tubes connecting to each part of his body. He saw how thin and fragile his boyfriend looked.

The sight was unbearable to the dual haired boy. He didn't like to see his boyfriend this way. It was only a shadow of how he remembered his boyfriend.

To him his boyfriend has always been the stronger of the two. The one who was always energetic and aggressive. But now he seemed so lifeless like all the recklessness and vigor of the blonde had disappeared into thin air.

Four months had passed and the blonde was still in the same condition. The dual haired boy tried his best to have hope and believe for the best possible outcome.

He never really believed in god nor in any supernatural forces but he begged for anyone who would hear him out to help his boyfriend. He wanted to believe that someone would help the blonde.

Another two months past and it had appeared that the blonde was not getting better. Todoroki's family and friends comforted him and told him to be prepared for the worst.

He didn't want to listen he was in complete denial that this nightmare was happening. The accident continued to haunt him as he cried almost every night.

But then he received a call from the hospital that the blonde finally gained consciousness. He rushed to the hospital and saw his boyfriend with his eyes half lidded.

The dual haired boy walked over to the bed and called out to the blonde. However the only response he got was that the crimson eyes looked at him with a daze.

The doctor walked in and informed the boy that the blonde was still not completely conscious. They explained that the blonde could only wake up for a short period of time before becoming unconscious again.

The dual haired boy walked over to his boyfriend taking ahold of his hand. They were so cold but he took another look at the crimson eyes that feel back asleep and took this as a little sign that things would get better.

For another month the dual haired boy kept visiting the other to make some interaction that would reach out to the blonde. (Sorry for all the time skips ;-;)

The blonde became slightly more responsive nodding at question and looking at the other's gestures. Finally, after awhile the blonde was able to talk again being brought back into reality. The dual haired boy was happy as the two conversed with each other.

However the blonde's condition did not improve he was still weakened and could barely move. His breath and his energy kept running out easily.

The dual haired boy tried to stay positive and comfort the other assuring him that he will improve. But that wasn't the case, the blonde's condition only seem to worsen while some of his organs started to fail.

The two were suffering, one seeing his boyfriend slowly dying in front of him and the other was no longer able to protect the dual haired boy in the future.

"H-hey Sh-shoto?" The blonde sounded weak unlike his usual self before the accident. His breath cutting short.

"What is it Kats..?" The dual haired boy's voice was shaken with tears running down his face knowing what was going to be said next.

"I-I think it's time f-for you to let me go." The other was trying so hard not to break down right then and there.

"I-I don't want to... I still need you Katsuki." The boy could no longer stop himself as he broke down on the floor sobbing with a broken heart because he knew that what he wanted was no longer possible.

"I-I'm sorry Shoto b-but I can't go on... I-I'm just suffering here."

"L-look we love each other and that won't change." The blonde started to cough in a attempt to regain some air.

"But it's time for *cough* for me to go." The other couldn't say anything he didn't want to accept what was happening.

"Shoto pl-*cough* please don't blame yourself."

"I don't want you to join me in the afterlife either."

"I know it's hard *cough* but remember *cough*"

"I sacrificed myself *cough* t-to save you... I-I want you to *cough* c-continue being happy for me." The blonde waited awhile to regain his breath and whatever strength he could.

"Trust me I-I know *cough* you'll find someone who loves you just as much as I do."

"*cough* S-someone who will replace me a-and will protect you and be there for you when your sad *cough*."

The dual haired boy finally decided to speak up raising his shaken voice. "B-but I-I only want you!"

"I-I'll still be with you *cough* I'll still be *cough* in your memories *cough* and heart."

"I-I'll only truly die if you forget me Sho." The dual haired boy reached for the blonde's hand feeling the other grasped it to reassuring him it was okay to let go.

"I love you Katsuki." The boy grit his teeth and choked back his remaining tears.

The blonde smiled as a single tear fell down his face. He then held the other's hand slightly more tight. "I love you too Sho."

The blonde then let go of the other's hand so he could inform the doctor of their decision. The doctor gathered his team while the dual haired boy sat outside waiting for the news that his boyfriend had past.

After a hour he was finally informed he walked back into the room and saw his boyfriend's body covered. Tears ran down his face as he smiled.

"Good bye Katsuki. May you find peace wherever you are."

After the funeral Todoroki was still suffering from the loss of his boyfriend but when he remembered the blonde's words he felt somewhat at peace.

He wasn't sure if he would ever be able to move on or if he'll be happy in the future again as he was with Bakugou.

He didn't know how to move on, but he'll figure it out. Isn't that right Katsuki Bakugou?

Man that oneshot hit close to home but I enjoyed how it came out. It was hard to kill Bakugou off because he's like my son and I love him. I'm sorry my angry Pomeranian you'll be alive next time I swear (;-;). But anyway I hope you have a great rest of your day and I'll see y'all next time.
- The KuudereSimp

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