
"Yeah, so I'm leaving work right now and—"

"You're leaving work?" My eyes shot up to the marina store. "Don't leave, I-I'll come to you."

"Don't worry, I'm already walking out." Sure enough, clad in jeans and his uniform polo, Blake walked out of the store with a purposeful stride as he spoke into the phone. "Are you still at my house? I'll be there in like five minutes."

"But— No, wait, just...." I watched him walk down the boardwalk, nearing his truck on the other side of the lot. Ugh, dammit. "Blake, I'm already here," I admitted with heating cheeks.

He stopped in place, looking around. "You're here?"

Sighing, I ended the call and shamefully got out of the car. The wind made my hair whip around and the waves in the background crashed loudly. Immediately, our eyes met, and I started closing the distance. I'm sure my stress would have skyrocketed if it wasn't for my embarrassment. He must think I'm crazy to be randomly here without any notice.

When I reached him, I could see the wind sift through his hair and the fabric of his shirt. Concern and confusion crossed his face. "What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't wait to talk to you either. Except my stupid ass didn't call or give a warning, so now I just look like a stalker."

"Maybe just a little." He smiled in humor – but anxiety seeped into his gaze. It wasn't something I saw in him often. "Come on, let's go inside," he said, heading back towards the store.

Wrapping my cardigan a little tighter from the chilly air, I stole a few glances up to him as we walked. This was the same man I completely gave myself to last night. The same man that now looked on edge – something I didn't expect. After all, he seemed more than happy and comfortable before falling asleep with me. Maybe reality set in and he realized how much of a mistake caving into our desires was.

After heading into the mostly vacant store (and excusing us from his employees), he guided me into his office. Shutting the door, I couldn't help but feel my heart spin. What would he say? Where did this leave us? All my worries and fears bombarded me.

Yet, the first thing he said... was the last thing on my mind. It was almost cute.

"Listen, I am so sorry again about the note," he said at a spastic rate, brushing off some clutter on the desk before he sat down on the edge of it. "I didn't think about how shitty that was until after I left and feel like a huge asshole. You're better than that and I'm sorry I just left you in limbo."

That's what he was worked up about? Fixing my messy hair, I almost laughed. "What were you suppose to do? Call into work?"

"Not let you wake up alone. Not leave a stupid short note. I don't want you to think last night wasn't a big deal to me. But leaving a note, saying we can chat after work when it's convenient for me... it's fucked and I'm sorry. You're probably worried and just want clarity."

Though the note didn't bother me that much, it was sweet how much he regretted writing it. "Yeah, wanting some clarity is pretty accurate. I don't know where you stand and I want us on the same page. That's why I couldn't wait until later to talk to you," I said, sitting across from him in one of the chairs.

He nodded, running a hand over his face. "Aside from wanting to apologize, I couldn't wait either. I was so on edge, I couldn't focus on anything else."

That was clearly evident. Perched on his desk, his shoulders were tense, and his hands were restless. I've never seen him this wound up. It was honestly... contradictory and confusing. Last night (and even in his note), he seemed relaxed and confidently happy.

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