Ch.37 Follow The Black Brick Road

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When Tzuyu opened her eyes, she nearly panicked. She immediately realized that she is not wearing any clothes and yet, she still feels warm. So she looks down and notices her girlfriend latched onto her with her face pressed into her collar bone-neck area. Then comes the realization that her girlfriend is also naked and she blushes furiously. She doesn't really know what to do in this kind of situation, what's it supposed to be like the morning after your fir-

"Mm...Tzuyu..." Chaeyoung mumbles softly in her sleep and squeezes the taller girl tighter. 

Said action just makes Tzuyu want to melt. Her brain is processing the events of the night before and it causes her pre-existing blush to deepen into a crimson red. When she fully remembers everything, the touches, the way she felt, and the way Chaeyoung looked at her...she can 614% say that she is so very much in love with the woman sleeping on top of her. She basks in the happiness she feels for a few more minutes before reaching over to the night stand to check what time it is. 7:14 AM. 

We should probably get up at 8... Tzuyu thinks but immediately freezes up when she feels Chaeyoung stir.

"Good morning," Tzuyu says softly and presses a kiss on her forehead. 

"...Good morning..." Chaeyoung says in a raspy voice that makes Tzuyu's heart skip a beat. 

"We don't have to get up yet," Tzuyu says as Chaeyoung shifts a little to look at her.

"Good," Chaeyoung smiles and presses a kiss on Tzuyu's neck. Well, one kiss turns into two, then two turns into three...and so on and so forth.

Tzuyu giggles at the kisses and allows them to happen before she finally stops the shorter girl to kiss her square on the lips. Although they both have morning breath, they don't mind. The kisses they share are sweet, regardless. They made out for a solid twenty minutes when they both decided to take a shower and wowie, they decide to take one together. I bet you can guess what happened but when they were finally done with said shower about an hour later, they ate a very interesting breakfast that consisted of feeding each other strawberries and toast before finally getting ready to leave. By the time they arrived at the department, it was 10AM and they both couldn't stop smiling. They're strangely adorably disgusting way of acting hinted to everyone in the entire building that passed them what probably went down, said people just smiled at them before continuing with whatever they were doing. 

"Heh, well aren't you two glowing," Jungkook chuckles before Lisa does a spittake and punches his shoulder.

"Isn't that what you say to people who are pregnant?" Lisa whisper asks.

"No, you idiot, it's for people who just had-" Jisoo punches Lisa before Rosé covers her mouth and makes them pay attention to Jennie. 

"I'm glad you two are happy and well rested because I just have more good news to add onto it," Jennie laughs at the others, "Last night we took over 4 more regions that are closer to the capital! This is all happening so fast that I couldn't keep up, BTS made it back here just before you two after helping out with that one region."

"Oh wow, really?" Tzuyu blinked and the already dazed smile on her face widened. 

"Yes, Ma'am, there are a total of 27 regions and we have claimed 18 regions," Jennie smiles confidently, "Just 9 more and then the Capital. The closer we get to the Capital, the tougher it gets though. The more destructive and suicidal their military gets."

"That's...that's not cool," Tzuyu says, her smile wavering at the thought of kamikaze-like bombers. 

"We would like to travel a little closer to the capital," Jennie explains, "Red Velvet will come back to man this station but we will move to one of the inner regions closest to the Capital. Suho will be coming with us and we have more National Guardsmen from Noctis and Solaris with us."

"Oh, I see, I we'll fight?" Tzuyu asks and Jennie shakes her head, "Only if we need to, right now we're taking over outer regions but we need to broadcast messages into the Capital and we need you to be there."

"Alright then, when do we leave?" Tzuyu asks and RM steps into the room with a lopsided smile.

"Well, if we went to do this as swiftly and quickly as" He suggests and the couple look at each other before nodding to him .

"Awesome, everyone get ready to move out!" He claps and fist bumps with Jennie. 

"Well this will be interesting," Chaeyoung chuckles and Tzuyu smiles down at her, planting a quick peck on her cheek.

"Indeed it will," Tzuyu says and they run out of the building back to their apartment to pack and leave. 

A few days have passed since the new main unit of Tzuyu, Chaeyoung, ITZY, BLACKPINK, and BTS moved to a town closer to the Capital. Tzuyu has spent the past few days creating video messages, distribution of supplies, and monitoring situations in various regions. In the past few days, they managed to claim five more, incredibly tough regions. There were many losses on both sides and Tzuyu made sure to send her condolences, soldiers, supplies for repairs to the region. She hated knowing how many lives were being lost but she knows that the people know what they're signing up for when they fight back. They have four more regions left to take over and they recently got their hands on an updated, detailed map of the Capital.

"This center building is the Council Court," Yeji points at the giant circular building in the center of the city, "We have three plans that will go on simultaneously... We will bombard the outside walls and then invade the city. That's plan one, plan two is a unit sneaks in through these underground tunnels we've discovered and evacuate citizens. The final plan is you two, Suho and the other Resistance Chapter leaders confront the Council in their building."

"How do we get in though? Won't it be heavily guarded?" Chaeyoung asks and Yeji nods slowly.

"It will be but you guys are skilled in fighting," Yeji nods before adding on with a smile, "Plus, my members and I will go in first to disable the systems."

"Oh wow, ok then," Chaeyoung chuckles.

"We'll try not to kill anyone okay? But if they attack you, fight to kill," Ryujin explains, "The Council members are manipulative and ruthless."

"Of course," Tzuyu's expression hardens as she thinks of her sadist for a brother.

When they finish talking about the plain full, in depth detail, they leave to get ready. When the Maknaes are done getting equipped for the mission, Chaeyoung pulls them both aside.

"What's up?" Tzuyu asks as they both go to the side of the hall. 

"Well, I just wanted you to know...that if anything happens," Chaeyoung says quietly, "I love you."

"I love you too," Tzuyu cups her face, "But I promise nothing will happen if we don't let it, okay?"

"Yeah, of course," Chaeyoung smiles at her and pulls her into a kiss. 

"As long as you're by my side, anything feels possible," Tzuyu smiles, "You protect me and I'll protect you."

"Pinky promise?" Chaeyoung asks as she raises her pinky and Tzuyu rolls her eyes but a smile is stuck to her face as she connects their pinkies. 



Heh, my school year is over but I'm still doing school related stuff because I also have a busy summer :))))

There's only two (or three, depends) chapters left for this fanfic. I have more fanfic ideas so never fear but, this has gotta be one of my longest fanfics. My friend whom I share this account with wrote another fanfic here for another fandom and idk if that's longer than this one or just as long XD

Thank you for reading!

Say You Love Me (ChaeYu / ChaeTzu)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz