Ch.23 Rather Not

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It's their first day on campus at Sol City National University and Chaeyoung does not want to get up. She's used to the weeks of waking up late or going to the Art College. 

" have to get ready," Tzuyu stuck her head in her line of vision and Chaeyoung' s heart skipped a beat. She can never get used to how gorgeous she looks, especially when she's the first person she sees in the morning.

"I don't want to go to that place," Chaeyoung whines, "The people there suck and they'll probably be all over you because you're pretty."

"Regardless of who they are and what kind of suck ups they are," Tzuyu smiles, "I can handle weirdos and I'm all yours."

"That's right," Chaeyoung huffs and quickly wraps her arms around Tzuyu' s neck and pulls her down into a hug. 

"Hmm, you'll be alright though, right?" Tzuyu asks, "I know you're strong but it's not like you've been expressing your distaste for the school ever since you found out you were transferred."

"...I'll be alright, don't worry," Chaeyoung says and squeezes her girlfriend tighter, "I've come up with a strategy to deal with this all."

"Oh? What is it?" Tzuyu asks, pulling away to face Chaeyoung, who smiles up at her.

"Avoid everyone!" She says cheerfully and Tzuyu snorts. 

"You're cute," Tzuyu whispers before pressing a tender kiss on her lips.

"I'll get up just for you..." Chaeyoung sighs when they pull away and Tzuyu, instead lays down. "What, hey, why're you laying down?"

"Cause I'm already ready," Tzuyu hums, "When you're dressed we can eat breakfast."

Chaeyoung shakes her head as she gets her clothes and goes into the bathroom. She will forever deny when Tzuyu spits facts no matter how small or minor said fact is. 

After a few minutes, the couple was in their kitchen waiting for their toast and coffee to be ready. Chaeyoung was texting Jeongyeon about how good they were because she wouldn't stop asking. Tzuyu was watching texts from Nayeon stream in, which basically said  'be careful!', 'don't trust anyone there!' and 'stay with Chaeng as much as you can!' When Nayeon's texts stopped streaming in one after the other, she texted back, 'Yeah, I know. I'll be careful, don't worry. Love you and I'll text you later.' 


Tzuyu looked up and opened the toaster oven to take out the six slices of toast to put on two plates. As she proceeds to put three slices on each plate and butter them, the coffee is done. She's about to walk over to the coffee machine but Chaeyoung puts a hand on her shoulder and walks passed her to get the coffee herself. After buttering the toast, she walks over to her girlfriend who's sitting on one of the stools at the island counter with their coffee. Chaeyoung slides a cup of coffee in front of her place mate and Tzuyu places a plate of toast down in front of her. The two continue the silence as they eat but it was anything but uncomfortable or awkward. They both happily ate their three slices of bread and drank their coffee prepared in ways only they like. When they're done eating and drinking, they wash the plates and cups; Chaeyoung washes and Tzuyu dries. Then they make their way back to the bathroom to brush their teeth and have an unofficial who-can-sound-like-they're-vomiting competition. With anyone else, Tzuyu would've been disgusted but it's Chaeyoung and she finds everything Chaeyoung does cute or cool; even unholy noises. 

When the two finally leave the penthouse, they text their head security guard who will drive them to school in an inconspicuous gray car that actually has bullet proof windows and oxygen tanks behind the back seats; just in case they end up in a body of water. They then text Red Velvet, Everglow, and GFriend's squad leaders to tell them that they're leaving. Almost as soon as the text is sent, their leader Bae Joo-hyun, twin sister to the Noctin General Bae Irene, drags everyone out of their accommodation. Kim Sowon, the leader of GFriend, texts her next, informing her that they're already at the school and Everglow's leader, E:U, replies saying they'll leave right after the two girls leave. 

Say You Love Me (ChaeYu / ChaeTzu)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang