Ch.26 Wishing Moon

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It's been about two hours since Jeongyeon left and Chaeyoung has spent every waking second trying to write out something suave that gets her point across: she loves Tzuyu. About twenty minutes ago, Tzuyu announced that she was going to get groceries and Chaeyoung told her to be safe. So now Chaeyoung is taking this opportunity to gather her final thoughts and profess everything she wants to say to her girlfriend. 

As soon as she gathered her thoughts, she went to the window and watched the street level (of course as discreetly as possible because it'd be a little creepy to look up and see someone staring down at you). She saw Tzuyu get out of the black car and she all of a sudden got nervous, something she'd rather not be right before she says something important. Just as Tzuyu is about to walk to the door, a black car appears and the window rolls down. Chaeyoung can't see who it is but she notices Tzuyu obviously can't hear the person so she steps closer and leans her head a little downward and forward. Just as Tzuyu gets close enough to hear the backdoor swings open and a pair of arms basically pulls her in and drives away. 

"What the fu-" Chaeyoung runs to their room and gets her phone, dialing Tzuyu's number. The phone rings and rings but it goes to voicemail. She tries another several times but she ends up with the same result. So instead, she calls Rain.

"Rain-oppa, Tzuyu just go taken by a black car!" Chaeyoung practically yells into the phone.

"I know, we also know who it is so you needn't worry," Rain says calmly and she can even hear him sigh. Chaeyoung takes his tone the wrong way and becomes a little annoyed. 

"Are you doing anything about it though?" Chaeyoung demands, "That's my girlfriend and a  member of the Noctin Royal family!"

"As I said, Ms.Yoo-Son," Rain says, "We know who took them."

"Okay then, who?" Chaeyoung asks. 

"I was told not to say," Rain says, "I've been ordered not to say."

"Hmph, thank you, I'll find out myself now," Chaeyoung hangs up and runs out of the penthouse. She needs answers and her girlfriend. 

Meanwhile, Tzuyu is perfectly fine.

"Why'd you have to yank me like that?" Tzuyu rubs her arm up and down. 

"It wasn't that hard," Nayeon rolls her eyes but gives her a side hug, thus yanking her again but down and to Nayeon's side. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," Tzuyu chuckled, "Why are you two kidnapping me? And I'm 99% sure that the person who was calling my phone is Chaeyoung."

"Oh we know it's her and we are kidnapping you to help you," Nayeon explained.

"You two need to get your sh*t together," Jeongyeon continues the explanation, "I noticed how the two of you act around each other now. Never have I ever seen you two so distant and awkward. You two are usually hip to hip,"

"Yeah well...things have gotten a bit...strained," Tzuyu sighs and allows herself to rest her head on Nayeon's shoulder.

"So I observed..." Jeongyeon pulls up to some fancy seafood restaurant and parks in a parking spot, "C'mon, let's go."

The group gets out of the car and are escorted through the backdoor to a private room. It's a fancy little room but with only two chairs at a circular table. The two Unnies gesture for her to sit down in one of the chairs.

"Tell us, what the hell happened?" Nayeon asks and Tzuyu sighs.

"Well, for the past few weeks, Chaeyoung's been given all kinds of assignments and she hasn't been eating or sleeping properly," Tzuyu explains, "I had to keep reminding her and I guess i was being kind of annoying...erm...really annoying...but what else was I supposed to do? I couldn't just leave her alone...but it appears that I should have just done that..."

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