Chapter 32: A new beginning

Start from the beginning

"why do I have to eat this shit" Prem whined as he picked up a leaf from the bowl amd looked at his as if it was an atomic bomb.

"Hey come on, it can't be that bad"

"but it is, hia" prem grumbled "what did I tell you about not going into the kitchen"

"Hey!" Boun protested and Prem checked in response, then added with a pout, "I need my Lays"

"you already had two bags last night. Don't you think that I didn't see you crawling out of bed and coming back half an hour later , smacking the salt off your fingers"

"I have my needs hia!" Prem grumbled to which Boun just shook his head. His husband was just beyond redemption and also, just too cute to be denied anything.

He might be a 24 y/o man now but he still had the habits of a child.

" oh Wren's coming back today so I'm sure they'll prepare a delicious lunch , please, just this once, I promise I'll get you whatever you want for dinner. Now come on, the baby needs some iron and calcium"

Boun said holding a spoonful of mushed spinach near his lips, literally begging him to eat it.

Prem rolled his eyes and chomped down on the food, nevertheless sending a glare at his poor husband.

The morning sickness hadn't yet kicked in so Prem was still in the midst of his regular craving spree.

"And what did you say , Wren's coming today?!"Prem suddenly seemed excited as he tried to speak with a mouthful of food.

"Pao, eat first, then talk, you're gonna choke" Boun said, with nothing but adoration in his eyes and he wiped a bit of food from the corner of his mouth with a napkin.

"hmm hmm" Prem nodded in agreement, quickly trying to gulp it down so he could speak again.

"It wasn't that bad actually" Prem said as he gulped down hua remaining drink.

"good, let me know if you crave anything"Boun said wiping off his lips with a tissue as he got up to leave

"anything except Lays" Boun gave his ultimatum as he stacked the plates in hand when Prem suddenly held his wrist to stop him.


"what babe?"

"I think I'm ready to tell the rest of the family"Prem said softly, smiling.

Boun quickly sat back beside him as he took his hand in his, "Pao , are you sure? There's no rush, like I said before. Everything will be your decision, are you sure you are ready to tell everyone?"

Prem looked the other in the eye and smiled, nodding in all earnest. It was the sixth week of their pregnancy and the news had come as a surprise just a week earlier.

There had been no planning, so Prem had been naturally a little scared.
Although, Boun had been worse, and overjoyed and crying and excited and scared all at the same time.


Prem had graduated University just two years back, right after which they got married and had their honeymoon.

Boun had gotten to know he had a knack for writing and had hence got him enrolled in the best universities. He already had amazing grades back in high school, which was just a plus.

He started off as a very successful writer and Children's book author and in just a year, released his first novel, which had been a hit.

He had this started as a professor in the University, being qualified and already well known for his age, and soon was the talk of the college he once was a student at.

Boun being busy as always with work , office, his family and the Pack, and Prem just all set in finally, in a world he could call his own, wasn't sure if they were ready to have a baby. Sure, Oon and Plot seemed fun and all but be could only imagine how hard it must've been seeing the once quiet and sweet Fluke scream hua lungs out all day long.

Ohm being the bigger, stoic one, never actually helped. He's seen in countless occasions, how the charmful kids had made their dad work in their favour.

and he would be ready for a baby in their life, an actual living thing that you had to make sure was eating and pooping and breathing and crying and more than him, he knew Prem's career had just started blooming.

It just scared him so much but perhaps more than anything he did not want to be selfish by asking Prem to keep the baby, considering Prem's body would definitely go through noticeable changes and ample of physical exhaustion after all the stress he had already undergone .

He knew that being an Omega was never easy and he didn't want to put Prem through this all of a sudden, after all that he had already been through for him, in the past.

But seeing Prem , calm as ever , and just wanting some time before they could announce it to the family, only increased his reverence and love for his husband.

"I'm so happy for us. I love you Prem"Boun said with tears in his eyes, as he hugged Prem and pecked him lips, Prem leaned back into the warmth and held him tightly, both enjoying each other's sole company and warmth for the next few minutes.
"love you too, Hia"

It was the happiest day in their life(after the one when they got married, and also the when when he got to know Prem was his mate) and now they were deciding how to break the news to the family over lunch.

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