-Chapter seventeen-

Start from the beginning

I reach forward to stop him from leaving but the words that left his mouth made me froze. "I don't love you alright. No one does. I am leaving; I regret coming here. Such a waste of money. You are such a waste of money." His voice was harsh and cold. Before I could find time to react, he closed the door and left.

I could feel the walls closing in, making my breath and heart pace a lot faster. I don't like closed places. Never have, never will. Darkness surrounded me, it felt like I was drowning inside of it. I couldn't breathe. My head began to feel heavy and my whole body felt as if it would break any second now.

"Geppy?. Pl-please. H-h-help me. I-I n-need you. Hel-p" I managed to force out. Why did he l-leave me. I-I thought he loved me. I-is this re-real? Please...Please let it be fake..."

My eyes slowly closed even though I tried my best to keep them open. I thought I died. I felt cold and lonely. I want Skeppy. I need him...

My eye lids were lifted open as I felt two hands reaching for me and pulling me in for a hug. I was back in my room. But this time Skeppy was next to me and he seemed scared. When he noticed I was looking at him a smiled appeared on his face; making the hug tighter.

"I-Bad! Thank goodness. You were so cold and asking for my help. I-I thought I l-lost you!" he said in my ear so as to not scream it, since it was probably early in the morning. Only then I realized the tears rolling down my cheeks. Was this real?

"Skeppy? I-is, is this real?" I asked and he looked at me with a reassuring smile. "Yes, it is real. You are safe now. Please don't worry." I was alive.

"Skeppy!" I cried out. This was the happiest moment in my life. "I-In my dream y-you said y-you hated me and t-that I wa-was a waste a-and then you left and I thought I died and-" Skeppy cut of my rambling by shushing me.

"You know I would never, ever say something like that. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I want you to remember that and never forget that I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you!" he kept repeating those sweet words. I was so happy. But why? I just thought I died why am I happy?

Why do I feel tired even though I just woke up? What time even is it? I could see only a bit of light coming through the window. Might be around five to six in the morning? I am not sure.

Me and Skeppy kept hugging and he placed a lot of kisses all over my face making me blush both with happiness and embarrassment. Never have I felt more appreciated. More loved.

He pulled away admiring my face making my face more red. He really is a good distraction from all that just happened, or all that has been happening the past months. Or my mind is a really good actor. No, it was definitely all him. He is the one who deserves my thanks. I wouldn't be here without him.

Skeppy's Point Of View:

"I-I know I say this a lot but, thank you. I mean it." Bad spoke distracting me from my thoughts. Well I wasn't thinking, mostly just staring at his face. Hopefully I didn't make him uncomfortable.

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