we are alone...

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V: "Jungkook ... where should I start?"

Jungkook: "You only have to give 1 insult!"

V: "Well, you can be charming and all, but once a playboy, always a playboy."

Jungkook rolled his eyes you could see he wanted to respond to it but he held back.


"Y/n?" said Jimin with a restrained smile.


"How many boyfriends have you had?"

You are overwhelmed by his question. You weren't actually that popular at your last school.

"None" you say hesitantly.

You see everyone looking at you in surprise.

V: "You rejected all the boys!!!"

Jimin: "Woo you are really picky!"

"No, no boy ever asked me out or showed interest in me." You say very shyly.

"That's cute" says Jungkook to make you feel a little more comfortable.

V: "That's quite a different thing to Jungkook huh..."

"V stop it!!! First make sure you..." Lisa stops talking but you look at her waiting for her to finish her sentence. "Never mind..."

A while later you notice that Jungkook is very drunk.

Jimin: "Wooo Jungkook, how much did you drink...."

"What are you talking about?" Says Jungkook as he pours a new glass full of wine.

You: "Jungkook stop drinking! You've had way too much!"

Jungkook: "Do you want some too?"

He picks up the glass and wants to take another sip but you take the glass out of his hands.

"Mhhhhh" he says in an irritated tone. "Who are you?" Jungkook slit his eyes because the light hurt his eyes.

"I'm y/n..." You say to him questioningly.

He begins to smile sweetly with his eyes closed. You thought it was pretty cute that he got so happy when he heard your name. He tried to open his eyes to see your face. You saw how he admired you. "You are beautiful y/n!"
You started to gloat and had already forgotten that Lisa,Jimin and V were sitting at the table with you.

"You know...." Jungkook says and stops his sentence and looks at V.

You: "What?"

"You are the first girl I really like a lot and not her popularity or looks , although I can't deny that your eyes sparkle every time you smile sweetly."

You started to blush but tried to hide it.

You coughed and chuckled : "What have you  today...."

V rolled his eyes, "Okay Jungkook that's enough go home before you talk other nonsense."

Lisa: "I am also going home , V can you give me a ride and really can't go home by bike like this."

Jimin : "If everyone goes home I will go home too. Could you give me a ride too?"

You could see from V's face the reluctance but he had agreed anyway.

"Y/n I can take you home too?" Said V.

"No , it's okay. I don't live far away from here so I'll take the bus. I will first make sure that I can arrange a hotel for Jungkook."

"I want to help you" said Jimin expectantly.

"No, it's alright. Just make sure you get home safely."

Jimin seemed disappointed but smiled kindly at you. He gave you a hug and got into the car.

"Pffffff what is that sticky stuff" said Jungkook in a jealous tone. "I can take care of myself, you know."

"Okay then, I'll just go home too. You can get home by yourself." You said playful.

"Wait y/n, could you take me to a hotel?" Jungkook said desperately.

You laughed. "Sure I don't dare let you walk the streets alone!"

He chuckled. "So now we're alone huh..."

"Don't imagine things. I'll get you a hotel and then I'll go home myself."

Jungkook: "No, you're right."

You: "What?"

Jungkook: "You find a hotel and go home by yourself he said in a sarcastic tone."

You looked at him questioningly but decided not to care. He couldn't be planning anything. I mean he is the one who is drunk, not you. Nothing is going to happen.


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