what is his problem?

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Lisa: "Y/n I want to introduce you to V... we are friends"
He looks up and stares at you.
You: "He..heyy i'm y/n"
V: "Yeah you already said that in class."
He smiles very sweetly at you, which makes you nervous and you look at the ground. Luckily Lisa interrupts the silence: "okay we have to go, we have a detention. And before you don't want to be our friend anymore because we might be a bad influence, we just forgot about our project so don't worry usually we are good ;) . See you!!"

you go back to your class. And you start to study everything that you have missed. And if you can be honest, you didn't get it at all. The level of this school is so high! until someone suddenly walks up to you and knocks on your desk. you look up and see Jungkook standing in front of you. "So you are the new he says with a grin."
You: "like you didn't know yet."
You just continue working and pretend he isn't standing next to you. He looks what you are doing ...
Jungkook: "I can help you catch up with everything."
"No, I don't need your help" you answered. He looks confused but still grins and it annoys you, first he almost runs you over and now he suddenly wants to help you. So you ask him to leave because you're trying to study. He comes a step closer and takes your book away.
"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM !!!" you shout through the classroom. Jungkook: "nothing , here you can take it if you want..."
You try to get the book but of course that didn't work.
Jungkook: "did you really think you where stronger than me or were you just trying to get close to me? Silly girl!"
You roll your eyes but you don't get into it because you really don't feel like arguing on the first day.
You: "i'm really not in the mood today, please just give it back."

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