~Chapter 14~

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The next day they decided to do something slightly stupid, they brought Emmy to the gym with them. "this is where Oni-chan trains?" he had to wrap his tail around her waist so she didn't run off and hurt herself on something. "be careful here, there's lots of dangerous things" she blinked up at him. "really?" Killua nodded, "if you're not careful you could hurt yourself" that seemed to make her calm down a little, but she still looked around a bit. "so, me and Gon are going to get one that's right for you ok?" honestly he wasn't sure how this was gonna go, but he would try. "ok!" he went over to the smallest weight and handed it to Emmy. "try to lift it" she nodded and tried to pick it up with both arms. It weighed about 3 Kilograms. She took a deep breath before putting it over her head. "it's so heavy!" she held it there for about 2 seconds before having to drop it. Killua made a mental note to get 1 KG single arm weights for her. "your goal is to be able to lift that for a whole minute by the end of this month"

Emmy frowned at him. "one month?" he nodded, "I'll get you some for home and you can practice every day. Once a week we will come back and see how good you do" she nodded, "ok!" Gon picked her up and she snuggled into his shirt, closing her eyes. "I'm going to go get her some weights, I'll be back" he quickly left the room, only to be stopped halfway down the hallway by Midoria. "oh hey killua!" he sighed, I'm really not in the mood for this. "need something?" he blinked. "I was just wondering what you were doing here" Killua glanced behind him once before answering. "to train Emmy a little" Midoria's eyes widened. "isn't she 7?" Killua nodded, tail flicking a little. "she wants to be as strong as me, so I'm getting her training" he frowned slightly. "obviously I'm not going to push her as hard as I was but she'll get there in a few years" Midoria sighed in relief. "that's good" he gave him a glare. "did you really think I'd do something like that?" he shrugged. "I don't really know..."

Killua shoved past Midoria and made his way out of the school. Just when I thought I could have a real conversation. He sighed, before making his way over to a random fitness store. He strolled over to the counter and tapped a finger on the surface. The cashier glanced up and sighed, "need something?" he nodded. "got any 1 KG weights? My little sister wants to train but she's a little young" he sighed again, opening a computer and clicking through the catalog. "we got a few, two isles down on the middle shelf" he nodded and followed the instructions, examining each one. Too pink, too big, too girly... that one! He grabbed a small, one handed metal weight with tiger stripes along the bar. He inspected the price tag and pulled 10 bucks out of his pocket. It was overpriced but he didn't care, Killua could just pickpocket more people.

As he paid and walked back to his tree, he was stopped by Kirishima. "huh?" he glanced at the tiny weight in his tail. "no offense but, that looks really light. Aren't you super strong? " Killua sighed. "it's not for me, it's for someone else" he looked intrigued. "someone other than Gon? You have other friends?" Killua stiffened, tail whipping back and forth. "you'd better shut your mouth" he hissed. Kirishima backed off, "sorry man, I'll uh.. Go." he then walked away. Killua leapt back up into his tree to see that Emmy was practicing how to swing from branches. Gon was below her just in case. "hey Emmy" she brightened and flapped her wings over to a bigger branch, before going over to him. "killy! Did you get the heavy?" he chuckled. "their called weights. This one is 1 KG" he set it in her hands. "it's lighter than the other one but you can lift it multiple times in one arm" he demonstrated really quick. "ok! I practice every day!" she beamed, grabbing the weight and happily lifting it up and down.

All three of them trained every day, Emmy would fly as long as she could and then practice with her weight. Gon was working on his tail strength, it was pretty weak compared to Killua's. he also practiced swinging from branches too. Killua however, was learning how to manipulate his tail to the best effect. He increased reaction time by switching the color every time he landed on a branch. He found that he could turn it any color of the rainbow, and even multiple colors at once. About a week later he leapt over rooftops on his way back home and ran into Eraserhead. "Killua? What are you doing here?" he paused. "going home?" he thought for a moment. "you know, we don't have any files on you since before you applied to U.A" he shrugged. "I'm not from here" suddenly he heard flapping. "Killy!"

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