~Chapter 20~

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So, Gon had given him a plan that was stupid but it would work and Gon was going to do it too so it was fine. He strolled out, yawning with his tail flicking lazily behind him. Killua saw Todoroki blink in confusion, then resume his monotone expression. He's really good at it actually, but I can do better. There was a countdown and he sighed, laying down and activating En. The countdown stopped, so he flicked his tail, "continue" Todoroki shifted a little and there was muttering from the audience about how maybe he used up his strength and needed to regain it. "what the hell is he doing" he heard Todoroki mutter. "this battle will be over in a matter of seconds" he said cooly, damn right, and you'll be on the floor. "2" he relaxed, letting his tail fall to the ground. "1" Killua kind of felt sorry for Todoroki, this might make him look bad. "GO!" as soon as Todoroki attempted a huge ice wall, he waited for it to get close to him before appearing behind him with a neck chop. He caught Todoroki's limp body with his tail and yawned again, holding him in the air. There was dead silence at first from the crowd and announcer alike.

Then the crowd roared and he was praised, which caused his ears to flatten. I never liked crowds, but this neko shit makes them worse. He held Todoroki above the ground effortlessly with his tail as he made his way off the stage. Killua dropped him gently and made his way back to his seat. Gon was already in his own waiting room, but Emmy reached over the railing and extended an arm out. "Killy so cool!" he glanced over and gave her a smile, to which she beamed back at him. "AND NEXT WE HAVE GON FREECES VS KATSUKI BAKUGOU!" he saw Bakubitch walk in with a sadistic grin on his face, while Gon did the same thing he did. Gon yawned a little, tail swaying back and forth a bit as he ignored the fire that was shooting up on both sides. "hey Emmy, who do you think is gonna win, Gon or Killy?" Emmy flapped over to sit next to him and he put an arm around her as he watched. "thinks draw? But maybe Killy stronger? No fight because boyfriend" oh. He snickered a little at Bakugou's outraged face when Gon laid down, tail twitching a little in the air. He saw his hand go to the back of his neck and Killua grinned. He's smart, but Gon's unpredictable.

It took all his willpower to keep a straight face, his En was worse than Killua's, but Bakugou was standing just close enough for him to sense. I'm also not as fast, I might have to dodge a few explosions first before I can get to him. As soon as the match began, Bakugou unleashed a huge one and he dodged. his eyes still closed and appearing to the side a little, in the middle of the stage. When he fired off another, he altered his tail slightly and cut through the smoke, before whacking into his chest and sending him flying. He winced slightly as he hit the wall, cracks shivering up it. Gon's ears perked up when people started to praise him, his eyes started to shine and he beamed, waving at people. People think I'm awesome. Gon had made sure to make a sizable hole in the stage too, so they had a few minutes while they repaired the stage. He wrapped his tail around bakugou's torso and lifted him, dropping him not as gently on a stretcher that some of the medical robot things came out with.

Half the class looked in his direction as he grinned, putting his feet up on the railing. "did you tell him to do that?" Killua glanced over at Midoria, who was watching intently while scribbling in his notebook. "no, actually it was his idea" he snorted, "said it would help us or something but I don't give a shit about what the viewers think" he glanced over, ignoring his notebook for second. "don't you want to get into a good agency?" he scoffed, "work for people? No thanks. Me and Gon do just fine on our own " this got him a few more interested looks. "but it's Illegal to harm a villain without direct orders without a provisional hero's license. " Killua blinked. "a what now?" Killua had never heard of this before, but he was also knew to this place and hadn't exactly done research on what he needed to do to be a hero. "also, who said I'm going to harm them with my quirk?" he smirked. "I'm just as dangerous without it" Midoria shivered and he grinned, "Killua!" suddenly there was a warm pressure and arms draped over the back of his shoulders. "what"

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