~Chapter 5~

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"DAMN YOU DEK-" he grabbed Bakubitch's foot with his tail, then picked him up and held him suspended a few meters off the ground. "LET ME GO!" he flattened his ears slightly, "not until you pipe down" he was writhing and yelling for 30 seconds before he yanked his tail upwards and threw him a good 20 or 30 meters in the air. "whoops, my tail slipped" he chuckled as he used a well-timed explosion to land without any injuries. Killua yawned and let his tail start to sway beneath him again. "carry on " it took a few seconds for the tests to resume.

 Killua did decent but not too well on the last ones because he was slacking, except for the seated toe touch because as a neko he was extremely flexible. On the long distance run he saw Midoria about to fall so without thinking he used his tail to yank up upwards, before walking off. Damn it, I feel like I've known him for almost a year but I only talked to him three times. It's making it hard to ignore when he needs subtle help like that. Killua glared at Eraserhead when he saw who was in last place. He tried so damn hard and trained for months to get in. he took one look at Killua's face and said, "by the way that was a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all in the tests"

Killua snorted, that was obviously a lie. When he said he was expelling the person in last he was 100% serious. So either I made him change his mind, or he actually saw potential in little Broccoli. "that's it were done for the day, pick up a syllabus in the classroom" as soon as he entered the classroom people started to swarm him and ask him questions. "what's your name?" and "your so cool!" and "how did you throw the blondie?" and how strong is your tail?" his tail twitched and his ears flattened. "SHUT UP" everybody fell silent. 

"your too loud, also for most of your questions if you watched me the whole time you'd figure it out" he yawned softly, people parting on the way back to his desk. Well great, I'm the popular kid. Killua was skating by on his way out as engine legs was saying something to his broccoli. "I was a bit concerned on Aizawa's approach to class, but I trust the school's judgement, U.A is the top program" Killua slowed down a bit and skated beside Midoria. "actually he was 100% serious about the expulsion" they both gasped at his words, "you didn't fluke this one, you actually got the teacher's approval to stay" Midoria gave him a strange look. "why do you always seem to run into me?" Killua thought for a moment on that one. I can't just say that I stalk him in my free time, that's weird.

"well I actually live in your neighborhood" Midoria still looked skeptical. "but I know all my neighbors-" Killua sighed, flicking his tail tip. "ok fine I kind of live in a tree near your house" he snapped, before looking away. "don't you have a-" Killua's tail whipped violently to the side a few times. "no I don't, now stop asking questions" he picked up the pace, skating away. A few minutes later he saw a child falling off a roof. Killua leapt up and caught her before realizing it was Emmy trying to fly. "Killy!" he smiled a genuine smile as he looked down at the girl.

"why were you trying to fly on your own?" he stoked her hair, kind of like she does to him sometimes. "mommy and daddy left me alone so I go through window like Killy!" Killua groaned. Ah fuck, I'm getting way too attached. "damn it kid-" the girl tilted her head, "dam! Nit!" he sighed, well that was just fantastic. "what is your mommy and daddy's names?" she thought for a moment. "mommy is ne la and daddy is win bor" she kind of tripped over the syllables trying to say their names. "what's your name?" he hoped he could get a last name out of her. "em ah scinle" she tried again on the last part. "shimle? Shomel?" Killua quickly filed away the information in his head.

"hey Emmy, want to fly?" she smiled, nodding a bit. " now flap your wings as you come down ok?" he dropped her in the tree and climbed back down, "just jump!" she took a step off and started to flap her butterfly wings, Emmy managed to hover for a few seconds before Killua had to catch her. "you did great Emmy!" he put her back up in the tree. "don't flap too fast, but don't go slow either ok?" she nodded, then jumped again, fluttering to the ground softly on her own. He clapped, "good girl Emmy!" 

Killu-Nya~ Meets MHA (HxH X MHA)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें