Chpt.6: Flowers for him

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"Of course not." And he got out another book to read in the meantime.

The raven's ears couldn't take the amount of chatter coming from his teammates, and finally had enough.

"HEY!! Just stop it, you're too annoying. You guys are like two rotting peas in a squashed pod." The two looked at Sasuke in slight surprise, but carried on giggling together again.

"Oh shush, Sasuke-kun. When are we ever gonna have fun Naruto, these days? He's never this cool!" Sakura patted Naruto on the back.

'It's almost like they've been drinking..' Sasuke said to himself.

"Yeah, Sasuke, you're always moody so lay off for a while!" The blonde added, which made Sasuke even more annoyed.

"And if we're rotting peas, you two are flea-eaten tomatoes!" The duo laughed it off, also disturbing Kakashi.

"Mah.. can we just talk or do something else?"

Naruto looked at his sensei "You're the one who should be taking that advise. Jeez."

"Yeah, let's.. I don't know, play truth or dare?" Sakura offered "You ask a question and you answer truthfully. If you get picked a dare, you do it of course."

"And there's a punishment if you'd don't do either?"

"Exactly!" She crossed her legs and the other three made a circle with her. Kakashi put his book down and decided to join for once.

"So? Who's up first?" Sakura eyed the circle carefully "Sasuke-kun? Wanna pick?"

"Hn." He nodded and thought wisely.

"Uh.. Kakashi" the jonin looked up from hearing his name being called out.


"Don't those read books for a week." Sakura shot up suddenly and went hyper again.

"Yes! Yes! Good one, Sasuke-kun!" She clapped her hands and giggled.

Naruto got the just too and chuckled. "And if I don't?" Kakashi asked, obviously surprised for no reason.

Sakura patted his shoulder and explained "Then a truth you cannot refuse to tell!"

He sighed "Well? What is then?"

"How do you feel about Iruka?" Naruto teased and Sakura squealed again.

Kakashi turned the same shade colour of pink when the last time they brought this up, shaking his head to get rid of it "H-heh?! He's cool!"

Naruto and Sakura smirked and Sasuke felt irritated because his dare wasn't done.

"Okay then. Since Kakashi-sensei didn't do the dare.." Sakura said "You need to this one! Or pick the other."

"Anything but that, I beg!" The grey-haired man nodded helplessly.

"Naruto-kun?" She turned to blonde.

He grinned devilishly "Give flowers to Iruka."

Kakashi nearly chocked on air "EVEN WORST!!"

"It's one or the other, Kakashi." Sasuke added, still hurt.

"S-so. Now?" Kakashi hid behind his bed covers and Sakura pulled it down.

"Yessir!!" She dragged her sensei out of his seat and motioned for the other two to stand too. "Get some flowers, or whatever.." She mouthed.

Naruto nodded and took Sasuke's hand, leading to whatever destination he was planning to go to. He gave a last wink at Sakura to show they were going someplace.

So off they went. People looked and stared at the two. A man pulling the last Uchiha around by the hand like a parent, and the boy trying to break free.

"W-what the hell, dobe?!" The raven tried struggling out of Naruto's grip.

He looked down at Sasuke "Sasuke? Oh, sorry. I've been holding onto you too hard, right?"

He tried loosening his hold on the hand, which gave Sasuke the butterflies.

They passed shops, shops, houses, a few familiar people and just houses. They stayed quiet for a moment.

"Um.. d-dobe..." He mumbled "where're we going anyway- and what about Kakashi and Sakura?"

"Sakura-chan's gonna be alright. This'll be quick, so try not to be annoyed, y'know." Naruto just looked straight at what was infront of him.

They reached the village gate and was let out, which made Sasuke even more oblivious to what was happening.

• His future • [NaruSasu]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora