I laugh when I see he's already piled a stack of waffles and strawberries onto his plate. I take a seat next to him as he drenches his breakfast in syrup.

"I'm so hungry!" he tries to say with a mouth full of food.

"Maybe because it's past 1 o'clock," Harry points out as he struts past us, fully dressed for the day.

Liam follows behind and places three pills on the counter in front of Niall.

"I only take one pill, Liam. Why are there three?" he questions as his nose scrunches up.

"One's for your ADHD as usual, but two are aspirins for your face," Liam explains, his hand gesturing to Niall's swollen bruise.

Niall nods and sips them down with orange juice, gagging a slight bit.

After he finishes eating, he leans back in his chair and yawns loudly.

"You tired?" Harry asks.

Niall nods, and says, "I...yeah..." trailing off as his eyes close and he leans forward onto the table, fast asleep. "The aspirin 'may cause drowsiness'", Liam quotes the back of the medicine package.

I chuckle and say, "I'll bring him to bed." I scoop him up and carry him into my room. I tuck the covers up to his neck and gently kiss him goodnight before shutting the blinds and door, leaving him in the dark.

Now that it was just us four, Liam, Zayn, Harry and I are deciding what to do.

"We could go ATV riding! I found a place just down the road we could go to," Liam suggests.

Zayn perks up from laying on the couch and cheers, "Yeah!"

I shrug, "Sure, I don't see why not. Harry, what about you?"

He smiles largely and says, "Definately a yes."

"Alright," Liam stands up and grabs the keys turning around dramatically, "On y va!"

"What does that even mean...?" Zayn questions.

"It means 'Let's go' in french," I explain to the dumbfounded lad.

"Oh, well in that case, on y va!" He runs out after Liam.

"Wait!" I say and grab a pen and notepad, scribbling fast. I leave a note telling Niall where we are going. Then I join the others.

Harry and I sit in the back seats, Zayn rides shotgun and Liam drives as usuall. Soon, we arrive at a place called "Pete's ATV Rides".

We climb out of the car excitedly and walk up to the front counter.

"You must be Pete," I smirk at the young man at the front desk.

He laughs, "No, that would be my boss. I'm Mike," he extends his hand to all of us.

"I'm assuming you'd like to do an ATV rental?"

We nod and follow him after he motions us to a back room. After Mike explains the different rental offers we decide to do a two hour rental for the four of us.

"Ok, if you'll just put these suits overtop of your clothes," Mike says as he hands us each a fake leather suit.

He explains with a gentle smile, "It's rather muddy out in the field so the suits protect your regular clothes."

We nod and pull them on. Then we follow him outback and he gives us a short demo and instructions on riding.

"So," he motions to the ATVs lined up in a crooked line, "Pick your vehicle."

I choose a bright red one with black and blue flames decorating the front. Liam chooses a slick blue one. Harry picks a bright green one that looks as if it could glow in the dark. And Zayn picks a black one with gold and red accents.

"Ok, just keep in mind the instructions and have a good time. I'll come signal you lads in when your time's ended. Have fun and be safe." With that he flashes us a smile and leaves us in the field.

I mount my ATV and rev up the gas, smiling wickedly at the motor's sound. Then as the others climb onto theirs, I stamp on the gas peddle and take off.

The wind ruffles my hair, making it more messy than before. I laugh like a stupid idiot as I look behind me, spotting Liam and Zayn.

Then Harry catches up to me as I slow, and he yells over the motor, "Race ya!" He points ahead to a red flag and I nod.

Then I gun it and speed in the direction of the check point. Harry's on my tail and I try to loose him over a hill. My ATV lands with a thud and I glance back at Harry. He laughs evilly and jumps past me. We're about to pass the finish line and he calls back, "Sucker!!!"

But I speed past Harry a second before we pass the red flag and then we slow to a stop. He curses out loud and shoots me the evil eye.

I flash him a vicious smile and tease, "I beat you!"

"Shut up..." he scoffs.

Liam and Zayn ride over to us.

"Harry, Louis beat you!" they repeat again.

Harry throws a hand in the air. "I know!"

He smiles to let us know he's joking and not actually mad.

"Race you again," I smirk.


Author's Note

Soooo... How do you all like it so far!?! It's so fun to write!!!! Ahhhh! Nouis all the way! :D haha just FYI I don't know when the next update'll be because I have lots of studying to catch up on and a soccer tournament this weekend!!! So excited! For soccer...not studying lol.

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