[ 20 ] stargazing

Start from the beginning

They got close enough to their home base to see the bright red flag above their igloo in the distance when both of their armbands vibrated simultaneously, the way they did to announce important chat messages, like bed breaks or private messages.

Eighty hopped off the bridge onto yellow island and exchanged a look with Chaz. They both pulled up their holographic chat interfaces. In bold letters and with no player name in front to indicate who sent it, was a message.

Hello, players!

We are currently experiencing issues with our gamemodes. We are terribly sorry for the inconvenience but would ask you kindly to stay calm and hang on. A team of highly qualified developers is working hard right now to resolve the problem as quickly as possible and get everything back to normal.

Apologies, the Hypixel Staff

This message was automatically generated.

Eighty looked up from the chat. "Did you get the same message?"

Chazm met his gaze, still with a smile but with worry in his golden eyes. "The automatic one? Yeah, I think it's global."

Eighty nodded and closed his chat, climbing onto the bridge to the diamond island. "Sounds like they messed up really bad this time."

"Yeah..." Chazm followed him. "We'll probably be here for a while."

Eighty kicked at the ice spike on the edge of the diamond generator. His iron-protected shoe made a sharp ringing sound on impact and tiny ice shards were flung into the void. "Well, this sucks."

"Come on, it's not that bad." Chazm nudged him with his shoulder and slipped his hand into Eighty's. "We can just chill a little."

Eighty leaned his head on his boyfriend's, a smile on his lips, and they stared across mid together. He wasn't really angry, just annoyed, but at least he was stuck with his favorite person.

"Yeah, you're right."

"I have an idea."

Eighty could hear the mischievous grin in Chazm's voice and he narrowed his eyes suspiciously as the blond untangled his hand from his and moved around him.

"What idea?"

Chazm took a step backwards onto the multicolored bridge that connected the diamond island to mid. With a smile almost as bright as his eyes, he jabbed a finger into Eighty's chest.

"You're it."

Confused, Eighty arched one eyebrow at him. "I'm... what?"

Chazm took another step back, just out of reach, a grin spreading on his face. "You're it. Come catch me!"

Eighty also lifted the second eyebrow. "You want to play catch? Here? Right now?"

He tried to make himself sound as disbelieving as possible while he sneakily took a small, casual step towards Chaz. He was totally in on the game and maybe, just maybe, he'd get the moment of surprise on his boyfriend.

Chazm bought none of it. As soon as Eighty moved he jumped backwards and whipped around, running down the bridge.

"Hey!" Eighty lurched forward but his outstretched hand barely missed. He caught himself before he could trip and fall off the bridge and took off into a sprint. "Get back here!"

Chaz glanced back over his shoulder. "Never!"

He jumped off the bridge and booked it straight across middle, making jumps with long-practiced ease. Eighty was hot on his tail, matching every step and jump and shortcut. They both had too much experience running around on bedwars maps.

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