Thank you tubbo

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"l-" tubbo started, but before he could continue his sentence Tommy walked up to tubbo hugged him. "Thank you" he mumbled. It was quite normal that the members of the dsmp got a lot of hate, so most of them tried their best too keep them unaware of the situation.

Maybe it wasn't best for the long run but it was keeping them from getting hurt for at least a week. "I'm really sorry that happened to you" tubbo said. "It's okay it happens to everyone

"i know but-" tubbo broke off when he realized there were tears running down his face. He sucked in his breath to try and hide it from Tommy. "Aw no tubs your crying" Tommy said noticing immediately.
"Ehm do you guys want a glass of water?" Jack said slightly awkwardly.

"Nah don't worry"


Just them the janitor walked in and stared at them frozen in the door way.

"Are you tommyinnit?" He said after some time.

"Run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run" Jack repeated in a monotone voice while shoving Tommy and tubbo out the door.

After when they got into the car:

The windows of the car where open as they drove along ⏃ highway while blasting "I'm in love with an e-girl" through the speakers.

"WE'RE GONNA BREAK THE SPEAKERS LIKE THIS" Jack shouted through Tommy and tubbo's obnoxious singing.

"DONT CARE THIS IS FUNNNN" Tommy screamed back.

"YEAHHHHH" tubbo butted in.

"OKAY THATS IT" Jake said as he pulled over. "Tommy get in the back with tubbo" Jack said opening the car door.

Tommy didn't complain and got in the back. "Can we still have wilburs songsss?" Tommy whined.

"Ehh maybe"

⏃ few minutes later they were listening to the theme song of the seven deadly sinds again at full blast.

"THIS ISNT FAIR" Tommy tried to say through Jack hopeless attempts to sing Japanese.

After a while of pure ear trauma they finally pulled up into the driveway. Tubbo was murmuring some curse words to jack slightly under his as he and Tommy got out of the car.

They walked into the house to see that dinner was already on the table. It was a little cold and seemed it had been out for about 30 minutes now. Tommy saw a note out of the corner of his eye on the kitchen countertop.

He picked and opened it up. It said mum on the front and what looked like a whole book on the inside.

"Hi tom, me and your dad have gone out for tonight, we'll be back at 10-12. Any later call us. Dinner is on the table and jack can stay over if he wants. (He can only stay over for dinner because if I would have to have another kid in the house overnight, we'll I wouldn't be able to do it.) make sure tubbo is packed" Tommy furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "So he can leave on time tomorrow"
"What?" Tommy asked as he read it over again.



"Are you leaving tomorrow?"

Tubbo leaned over to check the date
"Oh yeah I am, time went so quick"

"It's just Ranboo is coming over to my house in a few days and it would be good if I was home before that."

Tommy heard these words with almost no problem at all. "Oh wow that's great"

Tubbo smiled

"Oooo do you think we can do a bench trip stream? The fandom would love to see it. AND THINK OF ALL FAN ART!"

Tubbo and jack chuckled at seeing how happy Tommy was at the idea. Tommy wasn't necessarily happy to Ranboo but he was on the right track.

"Yeah we can do a whole meet up" tubbo smiled as Tommy sat down at the table. "Aww that's gonna be so much funnn" Tommy exclaimed. "Shit this is good" tubbo barely got out in between mouth fulls.

"Oi don't talk with your mouth full" jack scolded.

They stayed up until 11 just chatting and and playing some occasional board games. "This has been really fun you just but I'm gonna head off now." Jack said standing up. Tommy and tubbo murmured in agreement as they grabbed jacks keys and coat for him.

They walked him out to the door and watched him pull out of the drive way. They covered their eyes with one hand and waves to jack with the other. The sound of gravel and car wheels filled the dimly lit sky.

They only stoped waving when the sounds of the car where drowned out but the sound of slight wind in the trees in the cicadas.

They walked back into the bright house and took ⏃ deep breath in as ⏃ warm wave of air washed over them.

They talked as they cleaned the kitchen up ⏃ bit. "Do you know what time your leaving tomorrow?" Tommy asked. "Yeah ⟟ think I'm leaving around lunch."

"Aw damnit" Tommy said as he put the last few dishes away.

"I'm gonna go pack" tubbo started as they made their way upstairs. "Wanna help?"

"Yeah of course"

They continued up the stairs to the Landing and walked into the Guest bedroom too see that tubes room was ⏃ complete mess. "damn tubs ⟟ didn't know you where so messy" Tommy said snickering. "oh shut up, its not like your much better" he snickered.

they cleaned the room while talking and laughing, they put on some music to lighten the mood and enjoyed their last night together. it was cloudy night but regardless, the moon shone brightly through the slightly agape curtains.

"hey tubs?"


"⟟ just wanted to say that-" he paused and thought carefully about his words. "⟟ love you" he said firmly while making direct eye contact with tubbo. "and thank you for being here for me and helping me though all this stuff" "you mean the word too me"

tears formed in tubbo's eyes as Tommy spoke. he was lost for words. he slowly walked up to Tommy and gave him ⏃ hug. "⟟ love you too Tommy"

A/N: sorry this took so long but went on holiday and only just got back few days ago. there wasn't any service where was staying and it feels good to be back. but have something need an opinion on. this was the last chapter but if you guys want me to do bonus then will. just tell me if you do in the comments and i'll get to work. <3


word count: 1111

Scared Tommy x tubbo (platonic)Where stories live. Discover now