the picknick pt:1

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Tommy groaned when he realized he wasn't in the comfort of tubbo anymore when he woke up. He Lazily stumbled out of his room and walked down the hall to the room where tubbo was staying.

"Hey tubs, good morning" Tommy said leaning against the door frame. "Morning Tommy, i was just setting up my pc. Can u help?" Tubbo said looking up from what he was doing. "Yeah but why this early in the morning? Like i just woke up"

tubbo just rolled his eyes and pointed to the clock that was hanging above the bed. "TUBBO ITS 12:30?! Why didn't you wake me up?" The blonde said looking back at the clock to check that he wasn't hallucinating. "Sorry tommy, it's just you looked so cute and peaceful and i didn't want to disturb you"

Tommy smiled at just how cute tubbo was at a time like this. "So what do u need help with?" Tommy asked kneeling down to the half set up pc. "Well uhm can u help me read the manual? There's some words in there that I have no idea what they are" remembering that tubbo was dyslexic Tommy immediately complied.

"Uhm well it says here that you need to attach that glowing thing to this box thingy." Tommy said looking back at the manual while picking up a small box. " is this that glowy thing you wanted?" Tubbo said crawling over to some glowing cables. "No... I think they need to be bigger and thicker"

Tubbo snorted "bigger and thicker? Ahhahahahahha" Tommy huffed when he caught on to what tubbo was saying "tubbo your such an idiot" he said with a smile.

(If you don't know then your to Young, also my 2 sisters and my best friend read this book so...hi guys, please don't judge me)

Tubbo continued laughing while handing Tommy the cables he needed. After about 30-60 minutes they were finished. " well now that your pc it's set up, do you wanna play some Minecraft?" Tommy said already starting Minecraft up on tubbo's pc.

"Oh well uhmm i was gonna call mark. I normally do around this time." "You call ranboo every day?" Tommy asked feeling slightly crestfallen. "Yeah we do, i'll be quick though and after that we can do something fun." Tubbo said giving Tommy a warm smile.

Tommy couldn't be mad at Tubbo for having another friend but it did make him slightly sad. "Oh okay that's fine" Tommy said while walking out of the room.

The brunette quickly caught Tommy's sleeve and pulled him into his arms, Tubbo then snuggled his head into Tommy's warm chest "do u wanna finish that movie we were watching yesterday?" He mumbled against Tommy.

"Yeah of course he said while stroking tubbo's hair. After they broke out of the hug Tubbo went over to his pc and started up discord. "See u soon" Tommy said now walking out of Tubbo's room. "Yeah see u soon big man." Tubbo called after him with a smirk.

Tommy sat on his bed wondering what he was going to do with tubbo after he had finished calling with Ranboo. "Swimming? No it's way to cold for that...just stay inside? Nope, mum will get mad and it is a rather nice day..."

while he was thinking to him self he heard a discord message come through, he went over to his pc and had a look. It was from dream. "probably this months worth of script" he was right. He quickly read through it and checking who was going to be involved in his next lore stream.

He smiled when he saw that he was going to be finally out of prison with dream end it made him even happier to see that tubbo was going to be in it. "I'm not even tubbo's bestfriend anymore" he read "wait what..?" He didn't know much about what was going on on the rest of the smp but this didn't look good.

" why am I not his best friend anymore? Who the f*ck replaced me?" He read further until a specific world caught his eye "A NEW HUSBAND?!" He shouted out loud "WHO THE HECK IS MARRYING MY TUBBO WITH OUT MY PERMISSION?!"

At that moment tubbo came rushing in trying to find out why Tommy was shouting. "Hey Toms are u okay?" He asked with a slight concern on his face. "Oh- what yeah I'm fine, sorry for shouting tubs." "But umm are u getting married in lore?" Tommy asked fully turning around to face tubbo.

"Yeah i am, to ranboo platonicly" tubbo said with a smile. "Again ranboo it's always ranboo" he thought to himself frowning slightly. "Hey well ranboo needed to go so umm u wanna do something?" Tubbo said.

"yeah do you wanna go get some food I'm starving" Tommy responded now realizing how hungry he was. Tubbo quickly agreed so they headed downstairs and told Tommy's parents where they were going.

"Wait Tom, why don't you go on a picnic? I already have a whole bunch of sandwiches ready because I thought you were having lunch here." Tommy's Mum said just as the 2 were about to leave the house.

"No i don't really w-" Tommy got cut off by Tubbo "that sounds like a lot of fun, let's do that!" Tommy scowled, but if this is what made Tubbo happy then he was more than willing. The food was quickly packed into a rucksack by Tommy's mom and the help of tubbo.

"so where are we going to have a picnic?" Tubbo asked as they finally left the house. "well I know this really cute- I mean cool place that we could go." Tommy said taking the lead "okay great" tubbo said trying to catch up.

Tommy was quite tall so tubbo had to walk slightly quicker to catch up with him. "Ahahha look how short the bitch is" Tommy said smiling while ruffling tubbos hair. After a while they came to a rather overgrown piece of land "are we almost there yet tommy? I'm getting tried."

Tubbo sighed leaning onto Tommy. "Your so clingy bubs, but yeah we'll be there in 2 minutes don't worry." Tommy said smiling as he was looking at tubbo.

A/n: okay i haven't posted in way to long and I'm really sorry. I said this one would be out today and i lied...cuz this is only pt 1. I just don't have that much time on my hands and my mental state is down the drain so that sucks. If there are any spelling mistakes I'm sorry I didn't re-read this cuz I'm kind rushing.
Love u all.


Word count: 1945

Scared Tommy x tubbo (platonic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن