Soft stream

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It's had been quite a while since Tommy had last streamed and he was planning on streaming soon since tubbo was at his house.

He didn't really have an idea of what he was going to do for his stream but there were a few: Minecraft on the dream SMP, out door stream, a stream explaining why he was gone so long or something else.

He was awake most night thinking about this and what his viewers would think. "Tommy they want u too be happy and if being nice and not swearing as much makes u happy then they'll support u" no matter how many times tubbo had said it tommy was still really skeptical.

He tended to have bad social anxiety and didn't want people to think poorly of him. "I HAVE AN IDEAAAAAA" tubbo shouted from across the room jumping up from his chair. "AHH tubbooo u scared the living life out of me" Tommy said almost falling off the bed.

"What if we did a you laugh you lose stream?" Tubbo suggested. Tommy had been thinking of doing one of those but the only real problem was that he and tubbo could just look at each other and burst out laughing.

Tubbo was really the only person that could make him shit himself with laughter at the smallest thing. "Yeah mabye" he said thinking about it. "we'll have to have more lives tho" Tommy said "ahahaahah true" tubbo sighed

"Anyway are you gonna show them who you are off stream?" Tommy didn't really know the answer to this question, he was still really scared but thought it would be for the better.
"Yeah i did a ylyl with Jack a while back" Tommy said.

"And now your changing the subject" tubbo laughed. "Tommy u don't have to make any decisions now. Take your time" Tommy loved how supportive and caring tubbo was for him, he really needed it and was glad tubbo was there for him.

"Thanks bubs" Tommy mumbled smiling. Tommy walked across the room to where tubbo was sitting and gave him a small hug from behind. "Thank u for always being there for me tubbs, i really appreciate it"

tubbo couldn't help but smile. He loved when Tommy went all sensitive and needed someone to be there for him, and tubbo was glad he was that someone. "I'll always be here for u Tommy" tubbo whispered.
Time skip

Is the camera set up? Tommy asked. "Yeah i think so" tubbo replied turning the face cam so it would fit both of them in the picture. "And do u remember how to start the stream with me?"

"Welcome back to the stream everyone" tubbo said in his best tommy impression. Tommy laughed at the mimicking voice. "I don't sound like that tubs"

"yes u do, here this is what u sound like" he cleared his throat "GrAšS"

"whaaat no i don't" "yes u do" Tommy looked at tubbo "this is what i sound like" Tommy saw tubbo waiting for him to say something

"tubbo this is what i normally sound like" tubbo took a moment to understand "oh right"

"Shall we start the stream?" Tommy asked. Tommy and tubbo had decided on a soft stream where he and tubbo would do a ylyl with media share.

They would have 3 lives together, which tubbo thought would not be enough but Tommy thought it would be more a challenge and it would make it 1000% more hilarious. "Do u have your coke?" Tommy asked.

"Yep right here" tubbo said holding two up and passing one to Tommy. "Thanks" he pressed the go live button and started stream. He turned on his normal lobby music and waited for people to join.

Chat was spamming hellos and their names. Tommy started humming to the music while tubbo was vibing next to him. The beat slowed down so Tommy and tubbo got ready to open their drinks.

They cracked open their cans of soda and waited for the beat to drop. "WELCOME BACK TO THE STREAM EVERYONE" they said at the same time as planned. They laughed in triumph and Tommy raised a hand to high5 tubbo.

Tubbo hit Tommy's hand with such force that made him shake his hand vigorously in the air. "Ouch, tubbooo" "sorry boss man" tubbo said smiling. Tommy smiled back before turning his attention to the stream.

"How are we twitch chat?" "As you can see I'm here with Toby- tubbo sorry, and we're gonna be doing a ylyl stream today." He said beaming. Chat tell me, how many lives do we get? Chat started spamming 3s, 2s, 5s, 4s and more 5s. "Should we go with 5 lives tubs?" "Yeah sounds good"

They streamed for almost 2hours when they got to there last life "NOO TOMMYYY" tubbo screeched as Tommy was lying on the floor trying to catch his breath from laughing. "How did you laugh at that, it was stupid." Tubbo said looking down at Tommy, his eyes which where now tearing up from laughter.

"Yeah it was stupidly funny" tubbo rolled his eyes but smiled. Tubbo was a little glad the stream was over, it was really fun but it left him tired, something tommy had now noticed.

"Anyway guys I'm going to wrap it up for today. It was really fun I'll probably stream with Toby again tomorrow." Chat was saying their goodbyes and good nights while Tommy and tubbo smiled and waved at the camera.

The screen froze indicating that the stream had ended. "How was that?" Tommy asked " you were definitely a lot more yourself, and I think chat noticed." Tubbo said. "Is that a good thing? Tommy said sounding a little worried. "Yes of course. They'll love you, trust me" Tubbo said reassuringly.

Tommy smiled and gave him a hug. "Thank you" Tommy mumbled into tubbos soft brown hair. "Do you want to go to bed? Tubbo ask noticing how tired tommy sounded. "Nono sleep is for plebs, I'm a big man and it's only 10:30" tubbo looked at him astonished.

"What time do u go to sleep then?" "1-2 am mostly" Tommy said shrugging. "What about you bubs?" Tubbo glanced at Tommy before looking down at his feet. "11 ish" he mumbled. "Awwww my little Toby needs his sleep."

Tommy said mockingly while ruffling tubbo's hair. Even though Tubbo was embarrassed slightly he took advantage of the situation. "yes I need my sleep and you're coming with me" he said dragging Tommy to the blondes room.

"Good night toms" tubbo said turning the lights off. "G'night" Tommy said shuffling around his room in the dark trying to find his bed.

Tubbo went to his room and lay down on his bed, he pulled out his phone to check Twitter and what he was seeing wasn't necessarily good..."l'll leave that for the morning" he thought.

The stream had tired him out so much that he didn't even bother putting on his pyjama's and just went straight to sleep.

AN: I'm sorry this one took so long I did explained why and i hope you guys understand. I don't have much to say except i hope you all enjoyed ;))


Word count: 1212

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