What a nightmare

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AN: okay this will be a short chapter but whatever.

Tommy was sitting rather comfortably on the blue couch in a house that he didn't immediately recognize. After some time of gazing up at the ceiling he realized he was at tubbos House

I almost wrote tubbo as taco hahshshha

"What why am i here" he thought to himself as he had a better look around. "Yep this is definitely tubbos house" he recognized the kitchen from all the cooking streams tubbo had once done.

He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket as a message came through. He picked his phone up and Murmured at the message out loud. It was for tubbo.

Heyyy Tommy, i know you came all the way down here to see me but I'm kind of stuck in traffic now and I also need to go get some groceries. (you can get your drivers license when you're 15 In England and you can start driving at 17 so let's just pretend tubbo can drive a car) I'll be back in about an hour. See you then :)))

"Oh okay, what will i do in the meantime though?" He thought it would be a little rude if he was just in Tobbo's house without Real permission so he decided to go to the beach, It was the only other place he really knew around here.

The moment he thought about where he wanted to go he felt hot sand under his feet and warm rays of sunlight hitting his face. The sound of seagulls and waves crashing onto the shore filled his ears, he looked around and remembered this as the beach he and tubbo went to before Tommy when to Brighton to meet Wilbur.

He walked around for a bit kicking small pebbles out of his way every now and then. All of his worries seem to disappear now that he was at a place where he had happy memories. "I wish I had something better to do than walk around on the beach all day" he groaned, kicking another pebble into the water.

"I wis-TUBBOOO!" He saw his best friend still with a lovely chocolate brown color of hair and wearing his signature green shirt. Tommy ran up to him smiling ear to ear.

"T-Tommy what are you doing here?" Tubbo said looking around frantically. "well I thought I'd be a little rude if I was just in your house without permission, so I came here!" "What are you doing here tub-" The realization hit him like a rock in his gut.

"y-you, you canceled on me... you said you were stuck in traffic or something-" before he could continue a tall man walked up behind Tubbo and put a hand his shoulder.

Tommy had never seen him before but he knew exactly who it was. He had a lighter shade of brown hair then tubbo that slightly brushed over his eyes, but you could still see that they were a lovely shade of gray blue.

Tommy's POV:

"Stupid enderman" "what are you doing here ranboo?" "Please call me mark" ranboo said without a change of emotion. "But I'm here because tubbo said he was free and i was in the area" ranboo said tightening his grip of tubbos shoulder.

this made me mad, not only was he lying he was also not giving tubbo a chance to speek! Tubbo looked absolutely terrified and every time tubbo used to be scared he would stand behind me not him!

"Hey tubbo it's okay" i said in a calm voice while offering his hand out. i want tubbo to feel safe and i don't want him to be in ranboo's grasp without his free will. Tubbo put his hand out and tried grabbed Tommy's, but before he could ranboo pulled him back. "Tommy, tubbo isn't your friend anymore, he's my friend now, right tubbo?!" "y-yes" tommys heart broke he knew tubbo probably didn't mean it and he was just scared but still. "Tubbo was never your friend he always told me how annoying you where. He needs someone mature and responsible." Ranboo had an evil smirk on his face while saying all the things Tommy was scared of. 

(Btw this is not hate towards ranboo, I absolutely love him and he's really cool so please don't come at me)

"N-no tubbos still my friend...right tubs?" When tubbo remain silent Tommy felt his eyes start to prickle with tears. "No one cares about you, you know that right?" "Ranboo s-stop please" Tommy pleaded "make me" ranboos said his expression now stern.

"No matter what you do know one will ever like you or love you"  Tommy knew he couldn't do anything but cry as all his anxiety and fear came true. Tubbo had replaced him and wasn't safe for all he knew, and everything ranboo was saying he knew deep inside it was true.  " stupid, fat, ugly, annoying, loud" ranboo was saying inching closer to Tommy with everyone.

" p-please tubbo tell m-me you care f-for me" Tommy whisper through his tears. Tubbo just shook his head " you were always mean too me no matter what i did and you said all these bad things about me, that was clingy or annoying. "

"It's my turn now" tubbo said turning his back on on a broken and crying tommy. "Tubbo p-please stay w-with me p-please. As Tommy was begging tubbo to stay he had already turned his back on him and left.

helloooo that's the end of another chapter next one will be out in a bit

Word count: 1029

Scared Tommy x tubbo (platonic)Where stories live. Discover now