Water park

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SPOILER WARNING: this chapter will be heavily based off a volg Tommy did on his Tom Simons channel and if you haven't watched that yet then i would recommend go doing that. Everything will make a lot more sense and it will be easier to picture.

Jack drove steadily along the road even though Tommy and tubbo were being a complete nuisance. "Jackkkk can we have musiccc?" Tommy whined.

"Yeah sure" Jack said not even looking at him but keeping his eyes on the road. A second after Jack had said yes, taunt by lovejoy was blasting through the car speakers.

"did anybody ever say no to you woah, and i don't think i have a clue."

They sang at the top of their lungs both silently hoping it would annoy jack. "Are we nearly there?" tubbo asked
"can i drive?"
"can we get a whopper?" Tommy asked smirking

"okay that's it, no more music" jack said pausing the music even tho he was quiet enjoying listening to Wilbur sing.

The rest of the ride Tommy and tubbo  where just fooling around and asking how long it would take.

After some time jack pulled up into the parking lot and the two children were hyper active. They scrambled out of the car carrying their two bags and headed for the building.

"Oh good it so hot in here, it's like the jungle." Tommy laughed. They walked into the changing rooms and Tommy proudly put on his Tommyinnit swimsuit.

"It's the t-shirt" Tommy said showing Jack "swimming edition!"  Jack laughed hysterically and sat down to wait for tubbo.

Once tubbo had changed into his swimmers they walked out into the pool building. "There's no one here" Tommy exclaimed after they all had a look around.

"So we have this ourselves?" Tommy asked. "Yeah this is ours." Jack replied. Tommy and tubbo ran into the water screaming in joy.

Both fell and face planted into the shallow water soon after. "Tommy i have my phone in my pocket" tubbo said pulling his drenched phone out of the water.

"WHY DID YOU LEAVE YOUR PHONE ON YOU?!" Tommy screeched. "Here give it to me to see if it still works". He said gesturing for tubbo to place the wet phone in his hand.

"No don't worry it should be perfectly fine" tubbo said rushing out of the water and into the changing rooms.

"Oh and jack can i ask you something?"
"Yeah sure"

"Is tubbo okay?" He asked looking back at the changing room doors.

"What? Yeah he's fine. What made you think that?"

"Just he's been really jumpy. Have i done something wrong?"

"No but-" he was cut of when tubbo ran out of the changing rooms and jumped into the water next to them. "I'm back" he said smiling. "Should we go up there?" Tommy asked pointing at the top of the waterpark.

They walked many flights of stairs and when they got to the top they saw a platform with 2 lifeguards and a capsule. "Can i go in there?" Tommy asked. After they had said yes he tried to get in but was stopped. "You have to take of you shirt."

"Otherwise you might get stuck or it'll slow you down"

"Well alright" Tommy said pulling the wet swimshirt off him. He got in and sarting ranting on about subs as the count down started.

"its count-"
"Make sure you've subscri-"

He felt his stomach turn and heard tubbo shouting bye to him. He was free falling for a second before The slide went back to normal. "AHHHHH" he screamed while the slide continue to turn.

"HOLY SH*T" the ride was over before he knew it and was standing back next to jack. "I've seen light and death and all beyond" jack laughed as waited for tubbo.

"Did you go on the slide tubs?"
"No it was to scary"
"Don't worry next time then" Tommy said smiling.

They walked around the park going on many different slides and just have a fun time in general. They fooled around in the wave pool for a bit, transferred to the hot tub and then the lazy river.

They tried some more slides before going back to the capsule. "Pleasee tubbo go on it this time" Tommy whined. "Okay okay" tubbo said giving in finally. "Wait will you actually?!"

Tommy said slightly taken aback. "Yeah". They walked up a few more flight of stairs and got to the landing.

"Oh no, oh no no no" he took off his shirt and got onto the slide. "Is he gonna be okay?" Tommy ask Jack looking slightly concerned. "Yeah" he replied confidently.

"5,4,3,2,1" "AAAAAAAAAA" tubbo screamed as he fell. Tommy and jack rushed down to meet tubbo when the slide came to an end "Are you okay?" Tommy asked when he saw tubbo emerge from the darkness.

"Yeah I'm alright"
"it was scary tho"
"do you wanna go home?"
"Yeah kinda"
"okay no worries"

they packed their stuff soon after, got changed and got back into the car. "Sh*t i left my goggles in The changing rooms, I'll be right back"

Tommy said scrambling out of the car. "How do you think it went?" Tubbo asked once the door had shut.

"Well he hasn't been on his phone all day so i'd say it went well."
"Yeah but what about tonight?"
"Watch a movie or something"
"oh yeah good idea"
"do you think we can delete Twitter for a bit?"
"Yeah that's a good idea, do you have the code to his phone?"
"Yep" Tubbo responded rummaging around in his bag looking for Tommy's phone. "Wait-"

"oh no" "no no no no"
"What? What's going on?"
"I can't find it"
"He took it with him"

They both scrambled out of the car and started running back to the building. They burst through the changing room doors and saw Tommy looking at them.

Tommy wore an expression as if all the emotion had been drained out of him, it was beyond sadness or anger, just empty. "Oh no tommy, I'm so sorry" tubbo said trying to put a hand on tommy's shoulder. But before he could Tommy brushed it off.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

A/n: hello lovelies this has been the 2nd update in the past 24 hours and I'm feeling poggers. I haven't had much to do so writing as become my number 1 priority. Have fun being left on a cliffhanger :)) love you all <33


Word count: 1101

Scared Tommy x tubbo (platonic)Where stories live. Discover now