All Might pulls out a little notebook with notes on the hero training and begins reading it out.

Izuku: thinking "A script?!"

All Might: "The situation is that the villains have hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout. The heroes are trying to dispose of that. The heroes need to catch the villains or get the nuclear weapon back in the allotted time. The villains need to protect the nuclear weapon for the whole time or catch the heroes."

Izuku: thinking "The situation feels very American!"

All Might holds out a yellow box that spells "lots" in large black ink.

All Might: "Teams and opponents will be determined by drawing lots!"

Iida: "The teams are being decided so haphazardly?!"

Izuku: "Pros often have to create makeshift teams with heroes from other agencies, so maybe that's why?"

Iida: "I see. The discernment to look ahead... Please excuse my rudeness!"

All Might: "It's fine. Let's do this quickly!

Team A: Izuku and Ochaco

Team B: Shoji and Todoroki

Team C: Momo and Ojiro

Team D: Bakugou and Iida

Team E: Aoyama and Mina

Team F: Satou and Koda

Team G: Kaminari and Jiro

Team H: Tokoyami and Tsuyu

Team I: Hagakure and Godverse

Team J: Kirishima and Sero

Ochaco: "Wow, it must be fate! I'm counting on you!"

Izuku: thinking, blushing, holding his hands to his face "Seriously?! I have to speak properly, or else-"

All Might: "The first guys to fight will be...!"

All Might reaches into two different boxes, one that says "Heroes" and one that says "Villains," and pulls out two balls. The ball he pulled from the villain box has the letter "I" on it. The ball he pulled from the hero box has the letter "B" on it.

All Might: "...these guys! Team B will be the heroes, and Team I will be the villains. Everyone else, head to the monitor room."

Godverse: "Huh, I'm up first. What luck."

Hagakure: "I'm sure we'll do great! You scored first place in the entrance exam and the test yesterday, right?!"

Godverse: "I guess I did. Anyways, looks like we're going up against the icy guy and the 6-arm guy. I think we can win too... your quirk is just Invisibilty, right?"

Hagakure: "Yup! Though, I can't really turn it off... so I'm invisible all the time!"

Godverse: "Great, I have a plan."

Hagakure: "A plan? What is it?"

Godverse: "I have a feeling that Todoroki will freeze the entire building with ice as soon as the round starts, trying to immobilize us by trapping our feet in the ice. I'll hold us both on the air while he freezes the building so that our feet don't get stuck, then I'll go fight Todoroki. I think Todoroki's the kind of guy who'll leave his partner at the start and do the whole battle by himself, meaning that they'll be split the whole time."

Hagakure: "That's your plan? But what will I do the whole time?!"

Godverse: "Uh... watch the bomb?"

Godverse Sans in BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now