Chapter 5

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I'm back with a new chapter. I hope you all enjoy it and as always, thank you for your support. I appreciate it. :)


"You're fired," I said calmly.

The woman sitting across from me gaped at me. "But, sir, I-"

I held up my hand to silence her. "Save your breath. You were thirty minutes late last night. That makes it the fourth time you've shown up to work late this month."

"I was-"

"I don't want to hear your excuses," I interrupted her again. "I warned you that if you were late again you would be done here. It's not my fault you thought I was bluffing. You can leave now. Your final paycheck will be deposited into your account."

"You're a bastard," she said coldly, getting to her feet. "It was a nightmare working for you." She left before I could respond.

Muttering under my breath, I pushed back my chair and stood. I walked over to the floor to ceiling window that looked down onto the club's dance floor. One of the employees was cleaning the floor, getting it ready for tonight.

"Hey, Boss," Jackson said from behind me. "What's with Sandra? She stormed out of here looking like she wanted to rip someone's head off."

I turned away from the window and said, "I fired her."

Jackson grimaced. "I can't say I'm surprised. She's been asking for it."

I rubbed the nape of my neck. "Do you know any bartenders looking for a job?"

"No, sorry," he said.

"No cousins looking for work?" I said.

Jackson grinned at me. "No, although Eden did do some bartending in college."

"Eden is not allowed in any of my nightclubs," I informed him. "I won't have men trying to hook up with her. It's best she just stay away." I placed my hands on my hips. "I'll have to put the word out that I'm looking for another bartender. In the meantime I guess I'll have to bring Alan in to work with Donnie."

Jackson nodded. "Alan and Donnie work good together."

At that moment, Autumn walked into the office. I held back a groan. I wasn't in the mood to deal with her, but since she was here I might as well let her know that we were over, for good this time.

"Hey, baby," she said.

"Autumn," I muttered. "I'm glad you're here. We need to talk."

"Yeah?" She ran her fingernail along my jawline. "Kiss me first and then we can talk."

"There will be no kissing," I said, seizing her wrist and pulling her hand away from my face.

"I'll leave you two alone," Jackson said.

I told him to stay. I wanted him to witness the talk Autumn and I were about to have. He was my insurance should she come back at a later date and claim I said or did something to her that I didn't.

Jackson took a seat in the chair near the door.

"What's wrong, baby?" Autumn wanted to know.

"I am not your baby," I said.

She tried to touch me and I moved to put some distance between us. She pouted, crossing her arms in front of her. "Why are you being mean?"

I was about to get meaner. "It's over between us, Autumn."

She smiled and said, "You don't mean that, just like all the other times you didn't mean it."

"I'm serious this time," I uttered firmly. "It's over."

Autumn shook her head. "I refuse to believe that."

"I'm sorry you don't believe me, but it's the truth." I perched on the corner of my desk. "You have to admit that we're not good together."

"But we are good together," she argued.

"I don't see how you can say that when we've been on-again, off-again for a little over a year," I said. "It's been a year of fighting and chaos. I'm tired of the drama."

"I love you," she said, moving closer.

"You don't love me, Autumn," I sighed. "You love what I can give you. You love my money."

"How can you say that?" she cried. "I've given you everything."

I arched an eyebrow at her. "Like you gave everything to Scott Gresham?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Autumn said, averting her gaze. "I don't know anyone named Scott Gresham."

"Don't lie to me," I snapped. "I have eyes and ears everywhere. My sources claim you've been seen with Gresham on several occasions. Did you honestly think I wouldn't find out that you were seeing someone else?"

She swallowed visibly. "I was lonely, but it didn't mean anything." She laid her hand on my chest. "Come on, baby. You know you're the only one for me. Get rid of your bodyguard and let me show you how much you mean to me."

"It's over," I said, shoving her hand away. "Nothing you say or do is going to change my mind. I'm moving on and I suggest you do the same."

Autumn narrowed her eyes at me. "You're seeing someone else, aren't you?"

I thought of Eden. We weren't seeing each other, but if I had my way that was going to change. "Who I choose to share my life with is none of your business anymore."

"Who is she, Dominic?" she demanded to know, her eyes flashing.

"We're done, Autumn," I stated. "You should go."

Something inside of her snapped. She came at me, hitting me with her fists. Jackson was out of his chair and across the room before I could react. He grabbed her arms and restrained her.

"Let me go," she shrieked.

I looked into her eyes and said coolly, "If you do not leave I will call the police and have you arrested for assault and harassment."

"Let go of me," she said to Jackson through clenched teeth.

"Will you calm down and leave quietly?" he asked her.

"Yes," Autumn hissed.

Slowly, Jackson released her.

Autumn straightened her dress, shooting me a look of pure loathing. I waited for her to say something or to come at me again. Instead she stormed out of the office, slamming the door shut on her way out.

I passed a hand across my face, letting out a heavy sigh. It was barely noon and I was already done with this day. The only thing that kept me going was the evening I had planned for Eden and me.

"You broke up with her because of Eden, didn't you?" Jackson said.

"Eden was a big part of my decision," I replied. "I needed to make a clean break with Autumn before I felt I could pursue your beautiful cousin."

"Mess around on her and I will rip your dick off and feed it to the neighbor's dog," Jackson said. "Got it?"

I resisted the urge to cover my dick with my hands and responded, "Got it."

"Glad we understand each other." He tucked his hands in his pockets. "Do you think we've seen the last of Autumn?"

"I hope so." God, I hoped so.

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