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After giving it some thought, I've decided this will be the next book I work on. I wanted to give you all a sneak peek to give you an idea of what the story will be about. I plan on working on it full time early next month. Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think. :)


I took a sip of scotch, savoring the way the alcohol burned as it went down. Sinking back against the plush booth, I closed my eyes and let the music coming from the dance floor downstairs wash over me.

"Boss, Stan is coming this way," my bodyguard, Jackson, uttered in my ear. "Do you want me to get rid of him?"

I sighed and opened my eyes. "Let him sit down."

"Go ahead," Jackson told him.

"Hey, Mr. Saint." He slid into the booth across from me. "Thanks for seeing me."

I studied him, taking in the sweaty skin and bloodshot watery eyes. He was high. Anger shot through my veins. I helped him get into a rehab program and paid for it. This was the thanks I got.

"What do you want, Stanley?" I asked coldly.

He wiped his nose on the back of his hand. "I was wondering if you had any work for me. Anything will do."

"What did I tell you when you got out of rehab?" I said.

"You told me if I relapsed I was on my own," he replied. "You said you wouldn't help me again."

"And here you sit, stoned out of your mind, asking me for help," I growled. "Get out of my sight, Stanley, before I have Jackson take you out behind the club and put a bullet in your brainless head."

He slipped from the booth and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

I signaled to one of the bouncers and he came over to the table.

"Yes, Mr. Saint?" he said, pausing beside the table.

"Did you see the man that just left my table?" I inquired.

"Yes, sir," he replied. "It was Stanley Young."

"Inform the other bouncers that he's no longer allowed in the club," I instructed him. "If he shows his face around here again call the police."

"Yes, sir," he said. "Anything else, sir?"

"No, that's all," I said.

No sooner had he left the table and my on-again, off-again girl approached me. She was wearing a skintight red dress and ridiculously high heels. Her long blonde hair was in a ponytail. The sight of her had me groaning inwardly. We were currently off-again.

"Hey, baby," she said, sitting down.

"Autumn." I picked up my drink and took a big swallow. Alcohol was needed when dealing with this woman. "What do you want?"

"It's not nice to talk to the love of your life that way," she pouted.

I snorted. "There is no love between us, just lust."

She leaned forward, resting her large breasts on the table. Reaching out she ran her red manicured nails up and down my forearm. "You don't mean that, baby."

I meant every word. There was no love between us. Our relationship, when we had one, centered on the bedroom and my bank account. She gave me her body and in return I gave her money and nice things.

"Why don't we get out of here and go back to your place?" Autumn locked eyes with me and slowly licked her lips.

The little voice in my head was telling me to send her on her way. My body was telling me to take her back to my place and fuck her brains out. My gaze slid to her breasts, and my body clenched with hunger.

"Let's go," I said.

Her hazel eyes shining with triumph, she quickly stood and headed for the exit.

I downed the remainder of my drink and got to my feet. My eyes on her retreating body, I said to my guard, "I'm an idiot, aren't I?"

"'Fraid so, Boss."

I sighed heavily and followed Autumn.


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