I turned before he collapsed, and made my way through the astonished crowd. They gave me a wide berth. Good. I was in no mood to argue with anyone. I had another asshole to knock down. The anger inside of me was like dry wood to my flames. They wanted to burst out of my skin.

Jesse rose when I reached him. His brows pulled down on, darkening his hazel eyes.

"Come on, cat. You want a fight? Let's fight." I said.

Everyone around us took a collective step back, whispering furiously. Jesse crossed his arms over his chest, the hunter green t-shirt pulled tight on his arms.

"I'd love to put you in your place, but I'm under orders."

I beamed at him, then stepped closer, "let's be accurate. You're under orders not to start a fight with me. Here, I'll make it easy for you."

He was not expecting it, which was why my knives hit him right in his shoulders. The thud sound of steel being buried in flesh was music to my ears. He took a startled step back, his expression contorting into one of irritation and surprise rather than pain.

Snarling, he pulled the knives out and dropped them to the floor.

"There, is that enough to start a fight?" I said, "Or should I use silver?" I patted my thigh sheath. He looked at me like I was insane.

"What the hell? You crazy bitc-" I charged at him, cutting off his cursing spree. He dodged my kick and jumped back out of my reach.

"I'm not fighting you," he said through gritted teeth, even as he lowered himself to a crouch.

I laughed, "well, too bad, kitty. You don't get to play games with me and bail out whenever it suits you."

I attacked again, he managed to block every single punch and kick with ease. I wasn't expecting any less, he was one of Arthur's seconds, after all.

But I was furious. One of my punches connected to his ribs. It was like hitting a damn wall. Still, his grunt told me it bothered him, at the very least. He took hold of my wrist and pulled me to him, his eyes a bright green.

"Stop," he growled out through gritted teeth.

"Make me," I raised my knee to hit him in the groin, but before it could connect, he had moved out of the way. I couldn't see him. His arms closed around me from behind, lifting me off the ground and pinning my arms to my body.

"Calm the hell down," he said in my ear. I kicked back with my legs. Only one kick connected to his shin, the steel heel boot proving its use once again. His curse was very colorful. Unfortunately, his bones seemed to be made of rocks because he didn't move away. Fine. I kicked him again to distract him, and at the same time, hit his nose with the back of my head. I heard a crunch.

A loud growl emanated from his chest, vibrating my whole body with it. He threw me aside like a ragdoll. I twisted mid air and landed in a crouch, skidding on the dirt.

Jesse was so close to shifting, I could see fur poking out of his arms. His eyes a brilliant green and fangs protruding out of his gums. I charged at him and he did the same. About damn time.

Out of nowhere, Arthur appeared between Jesse and I. He pushed the two of us away from each other. His hand felt like a sledgehammer on my sternum. The shapeshifter and I flew backwards, I somehow managed to stop myself in time from hitting the wall. Jesse, however, slammed into it with such force that the brick cracked. Arthur must have hit him much harder than he did me.

"Everyone out," he said, in his calm voice. He didn't even shout, yet every single immortal in the hall filed out like well behaved soldiers, their eyes wide.

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