☯𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓽𝔂 𝓢𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷☯

Start from the beginning


He hummed, tightening his grip around my neck.

"Thanks for breakfast. "

Izuku gleamed, I gently laid him on our  bed quickly wrapping him in a blanket burrito before speaking.

"Your very welcome. "

"Now get some sleep. "

Although that sentence was pretty fucking pointless since be was already passed the fuck out.

Now how the fuck am I gonna keep myself busy??!

𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚄𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚔𝚊 & 𝚃𝚜𝚞

𝙰𝚝 𝚕𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚑...



I yelled swinging my arms back and forth.
He was currently looking for a place to sit. Carrying his lunch tray with him he eventually made his way over to me and Tsu.


Shoto greeted.
His heterochromia seemed so lifeless, though considering all that has happen he probably feels lifeless.
Him and Izuku were also pretty close so he also lost his best friend and then he lost his boyfriend not to mention the horrible beating he received from his dad.

That homophobic dip shit.

"Hey Todorki. "

Tsu greeted back, as she sipped on her strawberry milk.


"How are y-"

"Please don't ask that stupid question. "

Shoto snapped, picking at he food with a frown across his face.

"Right sorry.... "

I apologized my face turning a bright shade of pink from embarrassment.

"It's fine.... I just hate that question".

"The way I see it is if you have to ask then then the possibility of them being ok is negative. "

"Yeah.... I suppose your right. "

I chuckled out, allowing an awkward silence to fall upon us.

I wasn't sure how I was gonna bring up Izuku.... what if he doesn't want to hear about it.
It's true he believes Izu's innocent but what if he changed his mind??
It's been a few weeks, and people change there mind all the time.
Then again this is Shoto I'm thinking about, he doesn't change his mind often.

But what if when I mention the whole  vigilante thing, he starts freaking out??
What if it puts him into a panic attack??
They don't happen often but the couple times they did, it was because he was afraid of his father finding out certain things.... and this might trigger one.

Fuck I have no idea what to d-

"So Todoroki we need to talk to you about Izuku. "

"He and Bakugo wants to start a vigilante group, and me and Choko are joining them for reasons we'll explain later depending on your answer. "

Tsu blurted out in a low whisper.

I'm not sure if I should praise her for being so blunt or whine about it.

Then again Shoto still looks calm.
He doesn't seem like he's going into a panic......

"I see... "

Shoto mumbled, looking down at his soba.

"You don't have to join us if you don't want to. "

"But we would love it if you do. "

I exclaimed in a whispered as well.

I didn't want him to feel pressure into joining but I also didn't want him to think we didn't want him to join.

"So you've talked to Izuku and Bakugo?"

"How are they?"

Shoto asked, sipping on his soba now, completely avoiding out question.

"Their uhh.... Well... "

"At first look they seem like there doing ok but Bakugo hasn't been sleeping well because he's been dealing with nightmares."

"And Midoriya has been trying to bottle up how he's feeling causing him to be both physically and emotionally drained. "

"But me and Choko both believe after they escape and the league is locked up they'll finally be alright. "


Ladies, gentleman and non binarys say hello to my girlfriend and her bluntness yet again.

"I see.... "

"So the league is the reason they were frame for their parents death? "


I answered with a sad smile.

"Mmh... "

"Who all knows about this? "

Shoto asked with a raise eyebrow but he wasn't looking at me or Tsu.

"Just us three, oh and Mr. Aizawa. "

I answered with a more gleeful look.

"And Denki. "

"And De-"

"Wait what? "

I asked quickly turning around to see not only Denki but Kirishima as well.


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