Chapter 2

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Annabeth POV:

We just finished our morning classes; we were going to the cafeteria.

"Hey look over there," Clarrise said pointing over, "it's that Jackson kid."

"Somethings definitely up with him," Piper said. 

"Ya, he hasn't said a word since math class," Calypso stated.

Something was definitely up with that kid. He seemed kinda weird. He looked like a shadow. He would do anything to not be noticed.

"I have an idea," Rachel piped in, "let's see what he's up to. He's getting outside. Quick! Follow him!"

We all made our way to the exit of the school to see what this kid was up to. After walking out of the doors, we just saw him standing there. Leaning against to school wall, staring off into space.

"Yo! Jerkson!" Clarisse yelled, "what you doing there! You want your mommy?"

We all led out a small snicker.

Percy POV:

It was finally lunch. The time when I can actually think peacefully. Our family started to run out of money because of Gabe, so I had to skip lunch. I didn't want anyone thinking I was poor or anything, so I went outside for some air.

 "Yo! Jerkson!" I heard someone yell, "what you doing there! You want your mommy?"

Uh. It was that group. This group of like 5 girls have been being jerks all morning. They were making fun of all the 'losers' in the class. 

From those dreadful experiences, I learned their names and figured out who was who.

 shot Clarrise a dirty look. The one I gave my step-dad. It seemed to work because she kept quiet and backed up a few steps.

Those girls seemed pretty spooked out, just because I gave Clarisse a look. 

"Oh, Jackson your dead!" Annabeth screamed, "no one ever gives Clarrise a look."

They started to walk closer to me. It was pretty intimidating. The most toxic and popular girls were all there. I mean what did I do? I thought I made it pretty clear I didn't want any trouble.

Naturally, I started to step back.

Clarisse charged forward, with a- what? A knife? She leaped forward and pinned my arms against the wall. She was about an inch or 2 taller than me. Annabeth and Calypso took over pinning my arms, and she put the knife right on my throat.

Annabeth POV:

What was this guy thinking? Giving Clarrise a death glare. We all took fighting classes, so he pretty much had no chance. We pinned his arms against the wall, and Clarrise stuck a knife she stole from the cafeteria kitchen to his throat.

"If you ever. Ever. Try giving me that-" she got cut off.

He broke free, making me and Calypso lose our balance. He flipped behind Clarisse and kicked her shin with his foot. He snatched the knife from her hand and forced it in front of us.

I grabbed the knife back from his hand and was about to judo-flip him. That was until the principal walked out.

"What in the world is going on here!" Principal Brown screamed, "ladies! Mr.Jackson! My office now!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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