Simple Truths and Principle's of Life

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"Truths of LIFE"

Truth no 1-

nobody is real in this world except Mother.

Truth no. 2-

a poor person has no friends.

Truth no. 3-

people do not like good thoughts they like good looks.

Truth no 4-

people respect the money not the person.

Truth no 5-

the person you love the most, will hurt you the most

Truth no 6-

"Truth is Simple, But, the Moment u try to explain it...

It Becomes Difficult"

Truth no 7-

"When you are happy you enjoy the music", but

"when you are sad, you understand the lyrics".

Truth no 8-

IN LIFE Two things define you-

"Your patience" when you have nothing.


"Your attitude" when you have everything.

Rightly said "The internet shows us how small the world is, but a missing plane shows, how big our planet is.."..


Once, a Great Personality was asked some of the below questions of life which of which he answered in such a beautiful manner that needs needs to be remembered throughout our life;

→ "How do U Manage to Live such a Pure Life..?

→Y r U so calm..?

→How come U never get tired?

→How is it that U don't get caught up in temptations?"

He replied,

"After many Years of Study & Experience,

I hav based my Life on these 5 Principles:..

1. I realised that, Nobody else is going to Eat up the Rizq/Sustenance that has been ordained for Me,

Thus I became Calm..

2. I realised that, ALLAH is watching Me,

So I was Ashamed to do Anything Bad in His Presence...

3. I realised that, Nobody else was Going to do my Work,

So I Strove and Worked..

4. I realised that, Death Awaits Me at the End,

So I prepared Myself.

5. I realised that, No good or bad Deeds are Lost - each will eventually Come Back to Me.

So I increased my good Deeds and kept Away from bad ones..


"And I Remind Myself of these 5 Principles, EveryDay....

Do You?

I request you all to ask these questions to yourselves and see where we stand. Sorry if anyone felt bad so...

P.S. : Pass this to other Muslim friends of yours to.

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