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Nova was sitting on the couch with techno watching Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban while Clay and Dani went to get Starbucks. Neither of them were very invested in the movie, they both enjoyed the franchise but they weren't the biggest fans out there. So they made a joke related to the movie every once and awhile before they went back to cuddling.

Oh yeah, minor detail.

Nova would normally be on her phone but Clay and her decided it would be for the best if they stayed off them for awhile. So nova would play with his fingers and he loosely braided her hair, then unbraided it, then braided it again.

"Ever notice the similarities between that rat and Clay." Nova said, looking at the tv for a second. "The Clay block or your brother?" Techno asked, his voice was monotone, with no emotion. "My brother." She said casually, brining a small smirk to technos face.

The movie played in the background as the two sat in each others presence, when the credits started rolling nova hummed along to the music. Reminding techno of something.

"I don't think iv ever heard you sing in front of me." He said. "Because I haven't." She said, techno scoffed. "Obviously did you pack your guitar?" Techno asked. "Yeah it's in my bag for London." She said, pointing to the large black bag with a green post it note taped on, it had a black drawn on smiley face. He smirked and shook his head at the thought oher her and Clay doing that.

"Can you play something for me?" He asked. "I can try, what do you want to hear." She said, getting up and digging out the guitar. "I dunno." He shrugged. "Useless." She scoffed and rolled her eyes, her smile gave away the joke. He smirked as she started tuning the guitar. "I know you write songs, are you working on anything?" He asked. "Yeah, it's a rough draft tho." She shrugged and started playing the opening.

"Some days, I wonder why the sky's so gray"

"Some days, I wonder if I'm on the same page"

He really noticed a difference from her voice over a microphone and in person. The softness and gentleness was gone over the microphone, the part of her voice techno loved.

"Oh all the voices, and noises, and all these bad choices"

"It's crazy I haven't gone insane."

Nova kinda laughed at herself, she was staring at her fingers as she played. She didn't have the strength to look at somebody who was watching her as she played.

"And all the people so ruthless so I can't confront yet"

"Cause you know I'll just get in the way"

Those lyrics were mainly meant for chat, chat was ruthless, and acted like little voices in her head. They drove her close to inanity some times.

"So at 3 am, I go to the roof"

"And I talk back to the moon"

She smiled at the thought of her and Clay and Dani sitting on the roof top of their house, talking about anything and everything. It was her escape.

"Oh at 3 am, I look up to the sky"

"And always wonder why"

Nova started getting more confident with herself, she thought she could look techno in the eyes, but her eyes stayed on her fingers.

"I'm not like anyone else"

"All I want is to be normal, is that so hard?"

She did not have enough courage, if anything she hoped her hair covered her face as she played.

"But I'll never change myself"

She slightly smiled at the lyric she added in randomly. She figured she'd keep it in if when she sings it to the public.

"Most days, I wonder why their all so fake"

"Most days, I try to understand it's just a phase"

She once again referenced her streams, that all her fame will leave her, and her followers don't really like her. That the few non streamer friends she has don't like her, they like the idea of her.

"Oh all the voices and noises and all these bad choices"

"It's crazy I haven't gone insane"

Nova didn't notice techno move down to the floor with her, he moved a bit of her hair to see her face, to see her eyes. But she didn't peek up at him, so he just tucked her hair behind her ears.

"And all the people so ruthless who I can't confront yet"

"Cause you know I'll just get in the way"

Techno noticed a shift in her voice, like she was more nervous. He titled her chin up to look at him, he smiled at her. She smiled back and her voice was slightly more confident, or confident for nova at least.

"So at 3 am, I go to the roof"

"And I talk back to the moon"

Nova gathered the confidence to look at techno as she sung, of course she looked down at her hands every once and awhile, but she did try and hold eye contact.

"Oh at 3 am, I look up to the sky"

"And always wonder why"

"I'm not like anyone else"

"All I want is to be normal, is that to much to ask?"

As she finished the song techno did a small clap making nova laugh and bow her head jokingly. "I much prefer you singing in person then over a stream." He said. "And I prefer not crying during a stream." She smiled, he gave her a small one back. Was her humor broken? Yes, but if it was her way of coping, who was techno to interfere?

"It feels kinda surreal, to have the paralysis playing an unreleased song in front of you." Techno said, nova shook her head and rolled her eyes, smiling. "And the paralysis is a hot fucking mess currently." She laughed at herself. "Still the paralysis." He shrugged. "Well considering your dog basically worships my sister, and me and Clay get the pleasure of paying rent with you, I'd say it's surreal as well." She said.

He must dazily smiled at her, making her grin back as she grabbed his hand. He took in all her features, from bottom to top, and stoped right in her eyes.

"Whatever the fuck this is, it's surreal." Nova said, her voice was kinda quite, like she was scared to say it.

"Let's keep it that way."

𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 | 𝐭.𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora