"Yes sir!" I chimed. "It took me awhile to come up with the idea, but I think this one will be good." The class grew quiet as soon as Mrs. Avoc came in. On project days, it was a do or die kind of thing. If you made a mistake, you'd get an 'F', if everything flowed nicely, you'd get an 'A'. So this was the most stressful day for a lot of people. I've never failed, and I don't plan to.

"Okay we'll go in alphabetical order. Let's start backwards. Fredrick Zarate, you're first," she said taking a seat at her desk. A tall, scrawny boy made his way to the front. His body trembled as he was the first to begin the line of stage frightened students. As each student went up, I doodled in my notebook taking no interest. Turning my head slightly, I caught a glimpse of Elias staring at me, but as soon as he caught my gaze, his eyes bolted. Rolling my irises, I finished doodling.

"Next is Elias Rios," Mrs. Avoc announced. All the kids turned to look at Elias, but I didn't dare to do so. He walked past me, leaving a sweet scent of Chocolate AXE cologne trailing behind. I looked up and watched as he settled himself on a stool, pulling a worn-out grey acoustic guitar closer to his chest. Clearing his throat, he broke out in song, pulling gently at the strings. Closing my eyes, I listened to him play All Time Low's Remembering Sunday.

Elias's POV

"There's a neighbor said, she moved away

Funny how it rained all day

I didn't think much of it then

But it's starting to all make sense

Oh, I can see now

That all of these clouds are following me

In my desperate endeavor

To find my whoever, wherever she may be

I'm not coming back, I've done something so terrible

I'm terrified to speak but you'd expect that from me

I'm mixed up, I'll be blunt

Now the rain is just washing you out of my hair

And out of my mind, keeping an eye on the world

So many thousands of feet off the ground

I'm over you now, I'm at home in the clouds

Towering over your head

Well I guess I'll go home now

I guess I'll go home now

I guess I'll go home now

I guess I'll go home"

I finished off the song. My body was trembling from the rush. I know it was a slow song, but just playing captivated my body. Opening my eyes I smiled as everyone clapped. I glanced over to Alex to see she was joining the applaud. Her eyes were glued to me, but I looked away. I didn't want to give her the satisfaction. I know ignoring her was stupid, but I didn't know what I wanted to say yet. She kissed Austin, and for the first time in a long time, I was hurt. When I watched it happen my chest felt hollow; it scared me. She brought out a new feeling in me that I never knew I had. Standing from the stool, I walked past her and slid back into my seat next to a confused Victoria. I think she thought the song was for her... Lately I've been sending her mixed signals, but that's only because I'm confused. I loved Victoria, but Alex has this way with me. Every small detail about her has me itching for more. Her stubbornness... the way she sees the world like it was her own backyard to play in.

"Was that for me?" She whispered. No.

"Of course, babe. I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted," I smiled at her. Her cheeks tinted pink as she kissed my jaw. I slid lower in my seat feeling stupid. Of course I'd lie to her. I just didn't want to lose her, yet. I know she may be a bitch at times, but we were really good friends before we started dating. She was always there for me, and right now I needed her to help me figure out what's wrong with me.

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