t w e n t y - f i v e

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B U C K Y   B A R N E S

"She can't be gone!" I yelled.

"Okay, yeah, then where the hell is she?" Tony yelled back at me. "You watched the footage. She went off to fight some other agents and got shot by some sort of tranquiliser."

"No," I said.

Tony lifted his hands up in exasperation.

"What do you want me to say? That's the truth," he said.

I turned away and punched at the wall. My fist went through the wall and Steve grabbed my arm.

"Buck, you've gotta calm down," Steve said sternly.

"Calm down? Y/n has been kidnapped by Hydra! You have no idea what it's like there! You had no idea what they've done to her before!" I yelled. "What if it was Natasha who was taken? How would you feel then?"

"I would be pretty mad," Steve said, "but it doesn't matter who was taken. We're all family here, and we need to keep our cool if we want to find y/n."

I glared up at Steve, but I knew he was right. But it didn't mean I didn't want to punch something.

"Did she have her earpiece in?" Tony asked, pulling up his hologram.

"I think so," I said.

Tony tapped away on his hologram before pulling up a map. There was a pulsing red dot moving down streets.

"Found it," Tony said.

"Let's suit up and go," I said.

"Hold on, we need a plan," Tony said.

"Rescue y/n," I said, heading to my room. "That's the plan."

Everyone scrambled to get their suits. I entered my room and looked around. Y/n's clothes were on the floor, and makeup brushes and hair utensils littered the desk.

I was going to get her back. No matter what.

We all got into a quinjet and followed the dot. When we hovered over the dot, we figured out that it was a car, and y/n had to be in it.

Clint flew the jet further ahead, and I jumped out of it. I landed a few yards in front of the car. It didn't stop, so I used my metal arm to stop it. The car's hood crumpled under my hand and the car stopped moving. I walked around the car to the driver's seat and ripped the door off. A middle-aged man sat there, looking terrified.

I looked across from him to the passenger seat. Another man sat there, looking terrified as well. I walked further down the car and ripped off the back door. In the back seat was a girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes, but it wasn't y/n. She held something tight in her hands.

"What are you holding?" I snarled.

The girl looked at me and shakily opened her hand. In her palm rested y/n's earpiece.

"Wanda, I need you down here," I said into the comms.

A moment later, Wanda floated down at my side.

"Find out where they put her," I growled.

Wanda used her magic to break into the people's minds. Red wisps of power floated through the car. Wanda pulled her hand away after a moment.

"They took her to a secluded base," Wanda said. "I can direct us there."

I glared at the people in the car. Shield arrived moments later to apprehend the agents. Wanda lifted me back into the quinjet with her powers and then we were off.

Wanda navigated us to where y/n was being kept. According to what Wanda saw in the agents' minds, this had been planned for a while. They had guessed that our earpieces had trackers in them, so they had taken out y/n's and led us the wrong way. Y/n was now supposedly on a plane to a secret base in Alaska.

I grabbed a few guns and strapped them onto my body.

"Hey, Bucky," Natasha said. "We'll get her back."

I took a deep breath and nodded. We had to get her back.

When we arrived at the base, I wanted to go in guns blazing. Apparently, it was a good idea because that's what we did. We entered the building and shot at all of the agents. We ran through the building searching for y/n.

"Maybe she's not here," Natasha said, kicking a dead body.

"She has to be here!" I said. "Wanda saw it, didn't you, Wanda?"

"I did see it," Wanda confirmed.

"Holy shit, she's right there!" Sam exclaimed.

I turned around to see y/n standing at the end of the hallway.

"Y/n?" I called.

She didn't answer, and my heart stopped dead in my chest as I realised what she was wearing.

Combat gear that looked almost like straitjacket, as if she needed to be restrained. Combat boots that could take the impact of a fall from two storeys. A mask to hide the bottom half of her face, almost like a muzzle.

"No," I whispered.

She began walking towards me, and then it turned into a sprint.

"Y/n, don't do this!" I yelled.

"I'm not y/n," she growled, and lunged at me.

I dodged her first attack, but she came back. She was a brutal fighter, not caring about her safety, only caring about winning. She slashed at me with a knife, and I blocked it with my forearm.

"What's going on?" Steve yelled.

He ran at the pair of us, and y/n stopped fighting me for a split second to throw a knife at my best friend. Steve lifted up his shield just in time and the knife clanged against it.

Y/n continued fighting me, but I didn't fight back. I only defended myself, not wanting to hurt her. She continued attacking me, and I had no idea how to stop it.

"Y/n, you know us! You know me!" I yelled.

"No, I don't!" she shrieked.

She continued attacking me.

"Wanda, knock her out!" Steve yelled.

Red magic shot through the air and hit y/n. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she dropped to the floor. I shot towards her and caught her before her head hit the ground.

"We should get out of here," Clint said, bow ready.

I scooped y/n up in my arms and carried her out of the base. We had no problems getting out. We got onto the quinjet and I lay her down on a table.

There was silence for a moment.

"She's the new Winter Soldier," I said.

Everyone's faces fell.

"She – she didn't remember me," I whispered.

My fists clenched and I looked to the floor, trying to hide my tears. The team was like my family, but talking to people about how I felt was still hard for me. Even to Steve and y/n.

An arm wrapped around my shoulders and I glanced to my side to see Steve.

"We'll get her back," Steve said. "We can go to Wakanda, and Shuri can help her."

"I'm smart, too, you know," Tony grumbled.

Wanda rolled her eyes at him and Natasha punched him in the arm. Tony yelped in pain and glared in outrage at Natasha.

"She'll be okay," Wanda said. "We'll make sure of it."

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