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It had been three weeks since I'd arrived at the Avenger's tower. My new room was on a different floor, and across from Bucky's room. He was on a mission, and I hadn't met him yet. I knew about his personality, but not about his past, or who he was.

Steve told me that it wasn't his place to tell me, and that Bucky would tell me if he wanted to.

I found that fair.

We were all currently hanging out on the common floor. I was leaning against the wall next to Steve.

"Have any nightmares?" Steve asked me quietly.

Steve was practically a brother to me now. He was always making sure that I was okay and comfortable.

"Yeah," I sighed.


I was sixteen years old. I was sitting in the living room with my parents reading a book. My mother was knitting, and my father was reading the newspaper. We all jumped at the sound of our door being smashed to smithereens.

"Stay here," my father said, grabbing a gun.

From our place in the living room, my mother and I couldn't see the front door. The sound of gunshots reached our ears and we both placed our hands over our ears.

"Get behind the couch!" my mother told me over the sound.

I ran and hid behind it as my mother grabbed her own gun. I pressed my body to the floor so that I could see underneath the couch. My mother leaned against the wall next to the opening. The noises stopped and I held my breath. A man entered the room and my mother acted, but the man was quicker. My mother outstretched her arms, ready to shoot. The man grabbed the gun, ripping it out of her hands. He flipped it around and filled her body with bullet holes.

Tears began streaming down my face. I listened as the man walked around my living room slowly. All he had to do was look behind the couch and he would find me.

The sound of more footsteps filled my ears.

"Well done, Soldier," a man said.

I shook as I hid, the tears flowing uncontrollably now.

"Sir, you might want to look at this," another voice said.

There was shuffling and scraping. I tried to control my breathing.

"They have a child?" the man who praised the 'soldier' said.

"She's in here," a deep voice growled.

I gulped quietly and closed my eyes.

"Where?" the man said.

I opened my eyes again. Footsteps walked towards my hiding spot. The couch rose from its place in front of me. I looked up to see a man wearing a black mask and black goggles. He was holding my couch above his head with a metal arm.

"You're the daughter of the l/n's?" one of the men asked.

I turned to look at him, my whole body shaking.

"Keep her," the original man said. "We might use her."

The soldier put my couch down and grabbed me with the metal arm.

That was the first time I met the Winter Soldier.


"Do you want to tell me about it?" Steve asked.

I shook my head. Steve nodded, understanding that it was hard for me to talk about these things. He knew that talking about my past was something I still had trouble with.

Reminder | Bucky Barnes x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora