Mission 4: The Job

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Dante had gotten a call about a job which he accepted which he decided to have Izuku tag along so he could show him the ropes of being a demon hunter.

Izuku: "So we find the demon, kill it and that's it?"

Dante: "Yep, although it's not as easy as it sounds."

Izuku: "Makes sense, they probably wouldn't let themselves die that easily. So how do we find the demon?"

Dante: "We don't. Being a Son Of Sparda, the demons find me. Speaking of which."

Dante suddenly blocked an attack from behind as he pushed his attacker back.

Dante: "Nice try."

???: "Impressive, I expect as much from Dante, one of the Sons Of Sparda."

Dante: "A demon that's polite. That's a first uhh..."

???: "Call me Leviathan."

Dante: "Demons like you are rare to come by. But I have a feeling you know what's about to go down."

Leviathan: "Death at the hands of a Son Of Sparda is an honor one."

Dante: "Bring it."

Dante rushed Leviathan as Leviathan pushed him back with a wall of water.

Izuku: 'He has hydrokenesis, this won't be easy."

Dante: 'Water huh?'

Dante grinned as he pulled out King Cerberus as he set electric orbs towards Leviathan's water shield, damaging him as Dante was grabbed a streak of water wrapped around his leg as he was hung upside-down.

Dante: "I'm no expert, but I'm pretty water isn't supposed to do that. Wait, what am I saying? With demons, anything's possible."

The water tentacle grabbing Dante was then frozen by King Cerberus as Dante fell then transformed into his devil trigger as he was flying as Izuku flew towards Leviathan.

Izuku: 'If it's water, I should be able to fly through it right?'

Izuku thought to himself as he flew into the water barrier as he bounced back as Leviathan launched a mini tidal wave at Izuku as he braced himself for the attack as he was flinged back.

Izuku: 'Nevermind.'

Dante: "Surfs up."

Dante dodged Leviathan's attacks as he briefly turned into his Sin Devil Trigger and fired a energy blast which stunned Leviathan as Dante went in for a barrage of attacks as Leviathan knocked Dante to where Izuku was analyzing the situation.

Dante: 'If I knew ahead of time this guy could control water, I would have brought Alastor out of storage.'

Izuku: "I think I have a plan to beat him."

Dante: "I'm all ears kid."

Izuku: "You were able to stun him briefly and got in some good hits so if we stun him again, we should be able to defeat him with an all out attack."

Dante: "You're a quick thinker kid. Let's rock!"

 Let's rock!"

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