When you go Mayhem...

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The Skeld. Quite the small map, the first one that had come out, and I was always so afraid of killing anybody because SOMEONE could just round the next corner and see you on the body. I hated careless killing and just leaving.

I was the Impostor that faked all the tasks I had, and self reported a lot. Vents? Nah fam, not my style. Especially because I was AWFUL at doing vent kills. My motorskills just weren't that good.
But then it happened and I felt the nervousity bubbling up inside my stomach.

I was Impostor

My partner Red wandered off and I did as usual, stormed into Electrical to fake my tasks before going further. I was so afraid to kill and yet, I had to.

Fast forward...

Four Crewmates against One Impostor

Red had gotten caught and I was left feeling nervous to no end. I knew I was gonna lose this one. I was a shit Impostor, I usually chickened out of so many kills and usually got voted out at the end because I was the last possibilits of being Impostor.
I was going to lose this. GG partner, I tried, and I'm sorry.

...well, I was gonna lose anyway, so why not have a bit of fun?

I ran towards storage and killed Lime, my hands shaking as I closed the room off. Fuck fuck fuck. Where could a Crew come through? My heart was hammering inside my chest as I waited for my cooldown, doing small rounds around storage.
Finally, the doors opened and I gasped.

Yellow was running into storage, right towards the body. Shit, my cooldown...! I was too far away; I stormed towards Yellow, well aware that this was my end.
And yet, I pressed Kill in time. I couldn't believe my eyes, I just doublekilled by myself. Wait, how many Crews were left? Just two, right?!
My heart skipped a beat. I could win this!

This excitement died down as I noticed Black coming down to Storage from Admin. Eyes growing wide, I let out a curse. Fuck, my cooldown wasn't ready! I stormed after Black and closed off Cafeteria quickly enough, only for him to rush into Admin. I chased Black around the table, hoping for my Cooldown to be finally ready.
My heart sank as the Cafeteria doors reopened, and Black made his way towards the emergency table. No, fuck, I wasn't going to make it!

I resigned myself to my fate just as Black arrived at the table with me still on three seconds cooldown. I couldn't do anything but watch as-


I froze for a good second. No way, this wasn't possible. Just in the right moment, Red this madlad of an Impostor partner, called Reactor.
A smirk on my lips, I pressed Kill and leaned back to watch my victory screen.

"GG guys... Wonderful sabotage, Red XD best partner ever."
"I saved your ass Cyan XD"
"You certainly did."


Again Impostor. God how I hated it, I was a far better Crew, and my stomach wasn't at an alltime anxiety heaviness. I shook my head, sighing, as I went off to fake my electrical tasks. This was going to go bad again...

...until I bumped into my partner Blue. We doubledkilled in Cafeteria and rushed past Weapons to Navigation, only a second before the body was found.


"Body in Caf. Think it was a double."

I smirked to myself, they had no idea, and usually I always messed doublekills somehow up.
"It's Cyan!"
My smile vanished as fast as it had come. What?
Blue was typing quietly.
"Vote Cyan!"
"Bruh wtf, I was with you in Navigation!"
"Vote Cyan!"
God I was mad. What was he thinking?! I was his perfect alibi, and he was mine! We were together, in Navigation, and could have confirmed each other as safe! The Crew seemed a bit disgruntled.

"Blue sus."
"Blue u acting weird man, I saw Cyan with you before."
"Voting Blue."

Blue was An Impostor
1 Impostor remains

I stood still for a few seconds, a bit confused. Wait, how did they turn this around on Blue? Sure I was mad, but how exactly did this happen? Now I already had sus on myself, there was no way I was going to win this. Maybe I could try to circle out a few people through Admin Table? It was me against 6 Crews, I didn't have an ounce of a chance but I had to try anyway.

I had no idea how I survived this. It was me against five crews, I had killed one and nobody saw me doing it. But I hated to play against so many Crews, it was hard to split them up because usually they all grouped together close to the end of the game. I could only hope for them to be careless.

Finally, I had an idea. I called Reactor. A bit of Mayhem, maybe that could help. I stayed a bit behind and immediately killed the last one of the group, Orange, between Cafeteria and Medbay before closing the doors.
I waited for my Cooldown to be ready after closing doors around me, a nervous mess at this point. How was I going to manage this? Was a Crew going to come along?

My cooldown finished and still no one in sight. Where was everyone? I ran down past Top Engine and Reactor, no one in sight. I couldn't afford to lose more time!
I positioned myself in Electrical and called Lights, only to slice the first person that came along, Black. I allowed them to fix lights before I sliced, having paid attention no Crew was nearby.

I closed doors and waited for my Cooldown. Only one more kill and I was done!


"Fuck they found Orange..." I mumbled to myself and watched the chaos unfold... Surprisingly into my favor.
"Medbay. Cyan sus"
"Bruh I fixed lights, where you all at?" I typed back, trying to remain as nonchalant as possible. And then it happened...

"That's a self report."
"No, it's you Green."
"Lime that was deffo a self from you."
I didn't even have to say anything, I could just stare as the two greens sussed themselves. Was this really happening? I could just pick?
"Please don't do this to me guys, you know I hate 50/50s..."
And yet, I was grinning like an idiot. I voted Green and finished off with a shining victory, to the utter surprise of the two remaining Crewmates.

I had never imagined going Mayhem like this was going to be good for my gameplay.

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