11 - Park and home

Start from the beginning

"Hey, you look pretty today." I smiled, being nice.

"Damn right, I spent a lot of time looking this good, so I better be the prettiest motherfucker you have ever seen." She smiled with confidence.

"Come drinking with me tonight at Alex's."

"I won't be allowed. It's a school night and my mother needs help at home." I said, feeling awkward.

"Come on, join in on the fun, or are you still a mammy's baby girl."

"I have school tomorrow." Her words didn't affect me. I said no, and I was standing by my ground. No means no and nobody can make me do something I don't want to do.

"Okay fine, if you change your mind, Alex lives near the Centre of town, down the road with that old weird tree, at door 56. Just in case. "Been having fun?" She asked.

"Nice, I beat Michael at playing arcades," I smirked, feeling so proud of myself.

"Impressive." She patted my back. "Why don't you tease him? Entertain him. You have the requirements to be a tease."

"Why? I didn't care. I have Fritz to take care of and don't need to be a bad influence on him." I crossed my arms, refusing to do what she suggested. It would be inappropriate and not what I want. I want a friendship, not a failed whatever they had.

"Okay. Cherry Bon, you know my number, call me any day, I'm down with a good chat." She winked. Is she being suggestive of something? Why does she keep winking at me?

"I'm sorry for yesterday, I didn't think you two would argue, I am sorry." I apologised to her.

"It's alright, lamb chop, I realised we are very different but we can learn from each other. You want to be more confident. I will teach you how." She smiled, allowing her nice perfect teeth to show.

"Rather not..." I walked away, seeing Michael happy with the two other boys. I was glad he still can hang around his other friends without things being hard. I was worried that he would think Roselyn would have made up some story to get them to hate him, but no, they are all great friends.

I wandered over to the climbing frame with Fritz, seeing him run off to it. He tried his best to climb it. Michael, Max and Alex, were at the top with Elizabeth.

"Climb up, (y/n)!" They chanted, clapping their hands. "You can do it!" they whistled and raved.

"No, rather stay in the ground." I laughed at them.

"Come on up, it's easy," Max said.
"(y/n), you can do it! We believe in you." Alex chanted, waving his arms around.

"Fine." I chuckled, climbing up to where they are, and tightly gripped onto the bars, afraid of falling. They had their arms around each other's backs for support.

"How's life (y/n)?" Alex asked, putting an arm around my back for support.

"Alright, I won against Michael." I grinned.

"You didn't. We tied, no winner."

"To have a draw, you need to have to win a few times." Max grinned. "Let the little lady be happy with a draw."

"Exactly." I was proud of myself, that I could beat him a few times, and can't say shit about me winning.

"No, we tied, no winner." Michael huffed.

"Just because you lost doesn't mean you can be salty about it. You should just get better." I smirked.

"(Y/n) help!" Elizabeth dangled from high up, crying as she tried to keep a hold on the cold bars. "Too high." Her voice was covered in fear, needing to be saved.

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