Human After All

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Trust me. She knew who she was dancing with the whole time. She just chose to see the good in everybody. I personally don't think she should change that about herself. Maybe her energy could even bring out the good in the devil.

White roses cover the entire church as a priest, clad in black, reads out the age old, cherished lines to a wedding ceremony. I clutch my rosary and look into the eyes of my now Catholic, Irish, human husband. We're getting married in a cathedral in Galway, by the sea. I glance over to the pews, and Ciel and Sebastian are looking at us. They both appear to be highly uncomfortable, but still, they came. 

I kiss Felix, after professing my devotion for the first real time as the sunlight, radiant as it reflects off the ocean, fills the room, lighting me up like a star. I feel unbreakable: a diamond, pure and holy, at peace and alive with the joy of true love coursing through my veins. With Felix Wolfe by my side, the whole town in the pews, we are united under God.

My path to happiness has been anything but conventional. To find paradise, I befriended a demon, loved him, slept with him, conspired to take things for myself through him, and trusted the wild unknown because I had no other choice. Even so, God forgave me. I think that's the strangest part. He saw something in me I'd forgotten about. I'd extended the courtesy to Felix, to Sebastian, to demons and to evil, but never to myself. I didn't appreciate the goodness in my soul, even though it was right in front of me. Felix told me it was of a unique caliber. Sebastian said I set a precedent. I'm still not sure what he meant, or what this means for his own contract, but I hope for the best. I want them both to know the pure, unfiltered happiness I feel right now. I want that for every last living thing in existence, and in that, perhaps I can understand what's so special about me. 

Maybe simply accepting the power in love marks the difference between good and evil. It's not the status of your pedigree that determines your worth. The value of a human heart is not bound by chance or birthright. Sebastian and Felix defied their statuses as demons, too. They both did, and that's something I never expected. Even if one acted out of selflessness and the other self-interest, I still know they created something new. In that a way, they're not that different. I believe, finally, that you really are who you choose to be, and maybe, just maybe, the whole world is one big, confusing, unfair mystery that doesn't make sense and never will.

And hey, maybe that's the beauty of it all: the not knowing.

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