"Just drop it." I told him and he began laughing again. After some time, he finally stopped laughing and sighed before wearing a serious expression.

"The bloodroom told me that you've been taking more animal blood than usual." I turned rigid at what he just mentioned. I looked at him from the corner of my eye and expressed my displeasure.

"I'm handling it." I spoke coldly. Too coldly than normal. I was more thirsty and more hungry ever since I drank from Liam. I needed more than the amount I usually drank and sometimes I would go hunt when I needed something alive and warm.

Though everything tasted bland.

"I don't want to fight. I'm just saying, you should go ask-"

"Let's just focus on this." I didn't let him finish because I already knew what he was going to say. He looked at me for a couple of moments, contemplating whether he should drop it or not.

He sighed in defeat and proceeded to do what I just said. Training lasted longer because there were some new recruits among them who just arrived this morning.

I was on my way to the north wing of the Palace to check up on things when I heard Dragon barking from a distance.

"Dragon." I called and whistled as I neared him and saw that he was barking at someone.

"What's wrong boy?" I petted his head and looked at one of the Legion who's been here for a time now. I frowned, and wondered why Dragon would bark at him suddenly.

"Commander. I think he's upset." Dave placed his fist over his chest before pointing out the matter. I nodded my head and he stood at ease.

"Yes, it seems to be the case." I drawled and observed him as I stood up from my crouching position.

"Well, you may go now. I apologize for Dragon's misbehavior." I offered him a hand which he looked at somewhat warily before he smiled. I looked at him in the eyes and scanned his memories before letting him go.

Once he passed by us, Dragon wouldn't stop barking and I smirked, knowing the reason why.

"You forgot something." I called out, and when he turned around, I already had a knife pressed at his throat.

"Dave had a mole under his chin."


Liam's POV

After I spent time with my family this morning and afternoon, I was able to take my mind of the traumatizing encounter with Dr. Brookes.

I was on the stone white gazebo filled with glass panels, looking out at the mountain from a high vintage point.

There was no denying that it was beautiful here, but I wanted to do something with my hands. I was the type of person who couldn't sit still and not be bored. I kept contact with Matt and Eliza, and told them that my whole family went on a vacation.

I missed working. Even though that's kind of weird. Going to the university is the least of my worries. I could just say I got into an accident and handle the papers.

I sighed and decided that I needed to move. I somewhat memorized my way around since we've been staying here for a while now. I was actually surprised that there were no areas I'm not allowed. Raegan told me that I could go wherever I wished as long as it's in palace grounds.

There was a time that I asked Raegan if there was something to do in the castle. He mistook my kind gesture as boredom and he immediately called his secretary, saying,

"Set up an entertainment room by the end of the day. Find a good place to put it up and make sure that everything Liam needs is in there."

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